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1.0.3 • Public • Published


Easy import vue components in your Vue app with Vue CLI, supporting Vue 2 and 3.


Install using Vue CLI. (Vue CLI 4+ is recommended)

vue add easyimport


npm i vue-cli=plugin-easyimport -D


Easy import app's defined components

Add components to your components/ folder.

| components/
---| ComponentFoo.vue
---| ComponentBar.vue

Use them in any .vue as you would normally. Access your components with either PascalCase or kebab-case.

  <ComponentFoo />
  <component-bar />

Remove imports and components from the script section.

Easy import popular third-party components

Add your third-party component, for example ant-design-vue

  • install ant-design-vue
npm i --save ant-design-vue 
  • add configuration to vue.config.js file
module.exports = {
    pluginOptions: {
        easyimport: {
            rules: [
                //$0 it is the tag's kebab name
                //$1 it is the tag's pascal name
                //$2 it is the tag matched part kebab name.
                //$3 it is the tag matched part pascal name.                
                { pattern: '^a-(.*)', importer: 'import $1 from "ant-design-vue/es/$2"', installer: 'Vue.use($1)' }
  • import ant-design-vue style in the main.js
import 'ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css';
  • Enjoy other components in the vue file
    <a-button type="primary" loading>
    <a-button type="primary" size="small" loading>
    <a-button type="primary" loading />
    <a-button type="primary" shape="circle" loading />
    <a-button type="danger" shape="round" loading />


You can change the behaviour of the plugin by modifying the options in ./vue.config.js.

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    easyimport: {


All options are optional.

path - String

The path used for scanning to find components. Note: It should be relative to your project root.

Default: ./src/components

pattern - String

Regex to find the files within the path. Note: If you omit the pattern it will use the configured extensions

Default: **/*.{${extensions.join(',')},}

ignore - String[]

Regex to ignore files within the path.

Default: [ '**/*.stories.js' ],

mapComponent - (component : Component) => Component | false

A function which you can use to filter out paths you don't want to be scanned.

For example, if we wanted to access your automatically components only when they're prefixed them with auto, you could use the below code.

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    easyimport: {
      // prefix all automatically imported components with an auto prefix
      mapComponent (component) {
        component.pascalCase = 'Auto' + upperFirst(component.pascalCase)
        component.kebabName = 'auto-' + component.pascalCase
        return component

rules - Object[]

Config third-party components rules,

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
    pluginOptions: {
        easyimport: {
            rules: [
                //$0 it is the tag's kebab name
                //$1 it is the tag's pascal name
                //$2 it is the tag matched part kebab name.
                //$3 it is the tag matched part pascal name.                
                { pattern: '^a-(.*)', importer: 'import $1 from "ant-design-vue/es/$2"', installer: 'Vue.use($1)' }

extensions - String[]

When scanning the path for components, which files should be considered components.

Default: ['.js', '.vue', '.ts']


Static Imports Only

Only components that are statically defined within your template will work.

  <component :is="dynamicComponent"/>

Using folders as namespaces

It is assumed you are using the Vue conventions for naming your components. The below would not work without manually mapping the components.

| components/
---| Foo.vue
------| Namespace/Foo.vue

It would create a conflict with two components called Foo.vue. You should name your component files with the namespace. i.e NamespaceFoo.vue.

Javascript Components

You may need to refresh your browser when you are updating them. The hot module reloading seems to be a little buggy sometimes.

It's recommended that you stick with .vue SFC components.



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