
0.1.14 • Public • Published

✂️ Vtrim ✂️

Easily trim your medias with a fully customizable timeline.

  • Mobile touch events support 📱
  • Styled by default and fully customizable 🎨
  • Audio 🎵 and video 🎞️ compatible



📖 Table of contents

📥 Installation

npm install vtrim

You can then register Vtrim globally in your entry file with Vue.use() or locally by importing the component where you need it:

// main.js
import Vtrim from 'vtrim';



// myComponent.vue
import { Vtrim } from 'vtrim';

export default {
  name: 'myComponent',
  components: { Vtrim }

🚀 Getting started

      @durationchange="event => mediaDuration = event.target.duration"
      @loadedmetadata="event => mediaDuration = event.target.duration"
      @timeupdate="event => currentTime = event.target.currentTime"

      @trim-start="trim => trimStart = trim"
      @trim-end="trim => trimEnd = trim"



import { Vtrim } from 'vtrim';

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: { Vtrim },
  data: () => ({
    currentTime: 0,
    mediaDuration: 0,
    trimStart: 0,
    trimEnd: 0,
  methods: {
    async saveTrim() {
      await api.saveTrim({ start: this.trimStart, end: this.trimEnd });


⚙️ Props

Name Type Default Description
currentTime Number required The current time of your media in seconds
mediaDuration Number required The total duration of your media in seconds
color String '#1167f2' The brand color
defaultTrim Object null Sets a default trim. Must be an object with the following properties: { start: Number, end: Number }
minTrimDuration Number 1 Sets the minimum duration of your trimmed media in seconds. This prevents trim handles from going past each other
formatTime Function (rawTime) => getTimeAsMM:SS(rawTime) Formats the trims times (MM:SS by default). Receives the raw time in seconds
timePrecision Number 2 Sets the number of decimals of the trim time
restrictSeeking Boolean false Whether the seeking playhead is restricted within the trimmed media

🚨 Events

Name Payload Type Description
trim-strart trimStartTime Number Fired everytime the start trim handle is moved. Receives the raw start trim time in seconds
trim-end trimEndTime Number Fired everytime the end trim handle is moved. Receives the raw end trim time in seconds
seek seekTime Number Fired everytime the playhead is moved. Receives the raw seek time in seconds
play-overflow currentTime Number Fired everytime the media is currently playing before trim start or after trim end. Receives the raw current time in seconds

🧱 Slots

Name Slot props Description
progress { currentRightPosition: Number } The progress bar of the original media. Receives the original media current end right position
start-trim {} The start trim handle
end-trim {} The end trim handle
playhead {} The playhead
start-time { currentTime: Number, startTime: Number } The start trim time. Receives the current media time and the formatted trim start time
end-time { currentTime: Number, endTime: Number } The end trim time. Receives the current media time and the formatted trim end time
timeline { startLeftPosition: Number, endRightPosition: Number } The trimmed timeline. Receives the start left position and end right position in % relative to the progress bar. E.g: A media trimmed from its beginning to half its duration would receive: { startLeftPosition: 0, endRightPosition: 50 }
timeline-playing { startLeftPosition: Number, currentRightPosition: Number } The playing timeline within the trimmed timeline. Receives the start left position and current end right position in % relative to the trimmed media duration. E.g: A media trimmed from 0s to 10s currently playing at 5s would receive: { startLeftPosition: 0, endRightPosition: 50 }

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npm i vtrim

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  • mhdbssd