
1.0.21 • Public • Published


"V Social" creates social media panels (share panels) using only the links provided by the social networks, without other external scripts. It provides NO cached pages in Facebook and other social networks.


  • VSocial creates customizable Share panel. You can easily change form, size and color of buttons.

  • The tool adds an argument with date and time to the url each time you post it to Facebook, Twitter etc. So you will never have a problem when you occasionally post a page to FB with "not correct" image, than change the image on your website, than post again - and every time - the same old pic. With this solution it will be fresh every time you post it.

  • VSocial panels provide the buttons to share at:

  • Facebook
  • VKontakte
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus.
  • VSocial does not require jQuery. Easy to use with webpack.
  • Opens a popup share-window
  • Loads no external script

Package Managers

npm install vsocial


Just import Class (for example in the js code that you bundle later with webpack):

import SocialClass from '../node_modules/vsocial/SocialClass';

Add a link to two css files in your <head> (one of them is the main css file, the second - is theme css (or SCSS!!!) file for your panel:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<PATH TO FILE>/vsocial/style.css" media="all">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<PATH TO FILE>/vsocial/simple_small_theme.css" media="all">

Add empty div with custom class in any place of your html code, for example in footer of the page.

<div class="sharepanel"></div>

Finally "tell" VSocial in what element it should be used and add options if necessary

import SocialClass from '../node_modules/vsocial/SocialClass';
let panel = new SocialClass('v-social');

Customize the panel if you want to:

import SocialClass from '../node_modules/vsocial/SocialClass';
let mediaPanel = new SocialClass('v-social', {
    buttons: {
         vkontakte: false
    pinterestImageSelector: [
    twitterHash: 'web, develop',
    title: 'Share this page',
    titleFontSize: 20,
    titleColor: '#777',
    customStyle: {
        background: '#204b72',
        borderColor: '#831111'


Here you`ll see the examples

Meta properties

For proper work of VSocial it is highly recommended to use proper og and twitter (including twitter:card) properties in head block of he website


Option Type Default Description
buttons object true Enables and disables different social networks
pinterestImageSelector array [] Defines the classes of images to be used for Pinterest (). You can specify several classes - in this case the system will choose the first image that matches the selector
twitterHash string '' Hashtags to be added to twitter
title string '' Title of the share panel
titleFontSize integer 24 Font-size of title of the panel
customStyle Object with 2 possible items: background (value is string), borderColor (value is String) - css parameters of the buttons to be used with white_custom_theme.css and dark_custom_theme.css

Icons credit

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

Browser support

VSocial works on IE8+ in addition to other modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


Copyright (c) 2018 tstudio

Licensed under the MIT license.

Package Sidebar


npm i vsocial

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85.7 kB

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  • tstudio