Deterministic Random Numbers
- .Random.seed([seed]) : returns a new deterministic generator based on the provided seed.
Noise Generators
- .Noise.perlin() : returns a factory that can create new noise by seed according to the perlin noise algorithm.
- .Noise.simplex() : returns a factory that can create new noise by seed according to the simplex noise algorithm.
Noise Factories
Noise factories take 2D Noise algorithms and tile them across the map in a deterministic way
- .SeamlessNoiseFactory(seed, NoiseClass, lower, upper, mapFn) : Generates 5 textures per chunk and blends them to create seamless edges(within a single biome) and extrudes that in the provided range
- .TiledNoiseFactory(seed, NoiseClass, lower, upper, mapFn) : Generates 1 texture per chunk and extrudes that in the provided range
Object Generators
- voxel-generators/objects/trees : returns an object that allows you to add a tree
trees.add({x:<x>, y:<y>, z:<z>, height:<max height>, material:<material index>})
, then can be passed into a geometry reducer. - voxel-generators/objects/houses : returns an object that allows you to add a house
houses.add({x:<x>, y:<y>, z:<z>, size:<cube size>, material:<material index>})
, then can be passed into a geometry reducer.
More docs to come
-Abbey Hawk Sparrow