
0.1.4 • Public • Published


This package comes with a Jest transformer, a Jest reporter, a Jest preset, and a simple CLI wrapper of the jest command.


  1. Add preset: 'vite-jest' to your Jest config.
  2. Replace the jest CLI with vite-jest.

Limitations and Differences with CommonJS tests

Most are already documented in the official Jest documentation:

The jest Object

It's not automatically injected into each module. To access it, you must import it from @jest/globals: import { jest } from '@jest/globals'

Mocking ES Modules

Jest currently doesn't support jest.mock in a clean way in ESM.

There's now an experimental API (jest.unstable_mockModule) for this, but you must use it in combination with top-level await and dynamic imports:

// Note that jest must be explicitly imported
import { jest } from '@jest/globals';

const mockPlaySoundFile = jest.fn();
jest.unstable_mockModule('./sound-player', () => {
    return {default: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
        return { playSoundFile: mockPlaySoundFile };

// Note that the mocked module must be dynamically imported
const {default: SoundPlayer} = await import('./sound-player');
const {default: SoundPlayerConsumer} = await import('./sound-player-consumer');

beforeEach(() => {

Follow this issue for updates.

Doesn't Support Windows (yet)

We are actively working on that. It may be supported in a patch release.

Coverage Report May be broken

We are not very sure how to fix this. Any help is appreciated.

vite-jest Internals

The Transformer

The transformer pass custom file formats such as .vue, .jsx to vite for transformation.

It also enables Vite-specific syntax extensions such as import.meta.glob, import.meta.env, etc. (still work-in-progress)

Jest doesn't support asynchronous resolver yet ( Therefore, module paths can't be resolved via the Vite server, making a few Vite-specific paths (such as /@vite/client and /@vite/env, injected by Vite core plugins) unresolvable.

So we have to workaround this issue in the transformer, with the help of es-module-lexer

Virtual files injected by Vite / Rollup plugins are writtern to the ./node_modules/.vite-jest-cache directory.

Note that React fast refresh is not supported at the moment. You need to disable this feature during testing (when process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test').

The Reporter

Only a Jest reporter can get the signal that all tests are done, so a custom reporter ('vite-jest/reporter.cjs') is also required to correctly shutdown the Vite server after testing.

The Preset

It helps simplify the configuration process by including most essential options.

Besides from configuring the transformer and reporter:

  • .jsx and .vue must be treated as ES module to be processed by an async transformer (that is, the vite-jest transformer).
  • The Vite cache directory (node_modules/.vite) must also be processed by the transformer.
  • Assets and style files are stubbed.

The vite-jest Command

  • Jest requries the --experimental-vm-modules flag of Node.js to be turned on to support ES module transformation. The vite-jest command turns it on by default.
  • All tests must be run serially, because both Vite and vite-jest use caches heavily, paralleriazation may cause race conditions. So vite-jest automatically passes a --runInBand to the underlying jest command.
  • A --no-cache argument is also passed to fix some edge cases. Since Vite transformation is ususally very fast, the performance penalty of not caching is negligible.


  • Better source map
  • Clean up the console output




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