Provides info about the device, platform and build
Add "env": "git+ssh://git@github.com:vigour-io/env.git#master"
to the dependencies in your app's pakage.json, then run npm update env
Coming soon: npm i vigour-env
Updates via upstream remote
git remote add skeleton git@github.com:vigour-io/plugin.git
git pull skeleton develop
The plugin will be used to access device properties and will listen for changes of those. It will also used to catch device events like pause
, resume
and button
Properties expected (-- those can change based on their availability on different platforms --): bundleId, country, language, region, timezone, model, os, osVersion, appVersion and network.
If a property change on the device this can be communicated using the change
event passing always the same object format as in init
but with just the properties changed
The plugin expects to receive feedbacks about button press on: volume up (volup), volume down (voldown) and back (back)
// plugin on init will expect to receive back the values for its own properties// passed as an object, eg: {network: 'wifi', model: 'iPhone 6s'}var env = // listening for the plugin to be readyenvready // listening for properties changesenvnetwork // listening of pause and resume eventsenvpaused envbutton
See for more use cases tests
Plugin results
Values of the plugin properties on different devices/simulators
Android Simulator
- os: Android
- osVersion: 23
- appVersion: 1.0.0
- model: Android SDK built for x86
- bundleId: io.vigour.env
- network: mobile
- language: en
- region: US
- country: us
- timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
- platform: android
- browser: true
- device: tablet
iOS Simulator
- os: iPhone OS
- osVersion: 9.2
- appVersion: 1.0
- model: Simulator
- bundleId: io.vigour.env
- network: WiFi
- language: en
- region: US
- country: US
- timezone: 2016-01-06T00:18:39+0100
- platform: ios
- browser: true
- device: phone