A simple touchEvent working with mouseevent on desktop and touchevent on touchable devices
🏠 Homepage
import onTouchSwipe from 'vanilla-touchswipe';
const $wrapper = document.querySelector('.swiper-element');
const touchSwipeEvents = onTouchSwipe($wrapper, {
min: 60, // if horizontal swipe trigger move left only if deltaX > 60
multiplicator: 0.5, // if deltaX = 120 triger horizontal swipe only if deltaY = 0.5 * deltaX
callbacks: {
left: (e) => console.log('swipe left', e),
right: (e) => console.log('swipe right', e),
start: (e) => console.log('swipe start', e),
move: (e) => console.log('swipe move', e),
end: (e) => console.log('swipe end', e),
cancel: (e) => console.log('swipe cancel', e)
// unbind events
👤 Maxime Lerouge
- Github: @macsim1982
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