Data on COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccines
All credits to owid, the complete COVID-19 dataset is a collection of the COVID-19 data maintained by Our World in Data.
Global vaccination data
METHOD vaccinations()
country: 'United States',
iso_code: 'USA',
data: [
date: '2021-03-29',
total_vaccinations: 145812835,
people_vaccinated: 95015762,
people_fully_vaccinated: 52614231,
daily_vaccinations_raw: 2350144,
daily_vaccinations: 2757586,
total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 43.6,
people_vaccinated_per_hundred: 28.41,
people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred: 15.73,
daily_vaccinations_per_million: 8245
METHOD vaccinationsByManufacturer()
location: 'Chile',
data: [
'0': '',
location: 'Chile',
date: '2020-12-24',
vaccine: 'Pfizer/BioNTech',
total_vaccinations: '420'
METHOD locations()
'0': '',
location: 'Albania',
iso_code: 'ALB',
vaccines: 'Pfizer/BioNTech',
last_observation_date: '2021-03-27',
source_name: 'Ministry of Health',
source_website: ''
METHOD usaVaccinations()
date: '2021-01-12',
location: 'Alabama',
total_vaccinations: '78134.0',
total_distributed: '377025.0',
people_vaccinated: '70861.0',
people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred: '0.15',
total_vaccinations_per_hundred: '1.59',
people_fully_vaccinated: '7270.0',
people_vaccinated_per_hundred: '1.45',
distributed_per_hundred: '7.69',
daily_vaccinations_raw: '',
daily_vaccinations: '',
daily_vaccinations_per_million: '',
share_doses_used: '0.207'
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👥 Credits
- Chris Michael (Project Leader, and Developer)
💢 Troubleshootings
This is just a personal project created for study / demonstration purpose and to simplify my working life, it may or may not be a good fit for your project(s).
❤️ Show your support
Feel free to open issues or submit pull-requests to help me improving my work.
🤖 Author
Chris Michael
Copyright © Vaccinations-Covid19 2021