
0.0.9 • Public • Published


unfig is a framework for toolkits.

  • unfig naturally supports modularity, extendability, customizability, and configurability.

  • unfig makes no presumptions about the functionality that toolkits provide.

The unfig philosophy is that toolkits should enable developers to quickly set up projects and support everything needed to develop and maintain quality projects, much more functionality than is typically included in current-generation toolkits.

  • The challenge is that, despite many similarties, every project can be different and developers don't want to be locked in to a toolkit.
  • unfig addresses this challenge by building modularity, extendability, customizability, and configurability into the framework.

The unfig theory is that a framework that naturally supports these features can enable a proliferation of quality full-featured toolkits.

  • Projects can adopt toolkits without concern of lock-in because escape hatches are built in.
  • Toolkits can evolve quickly to enable projects of the future because new toolkits can easily be built, pulling in functionality from existing toolkits.


The unfig framework is simple. All functionality comes from toolkits.

unfig toolkits provide:

  • commands, which can be invoked by the user, like build.
  • configurations, which are tool configurations, like .babelrc.js.
  • dependencies, which are tools used by the toolkit, like babel.

The unfig framework enables toolkits to utilize other toolkits -- to configure them, inherit their functionality, and/or customize their commands, configurations, and dependencies.

A key part of the unfig framework is that configurations exist as standard configuration files on disk in projects.

This allows the configurations to integrate seemlessly with tools in the ecosystem. Generally, standard tools don't need to be integrated into unfig, they "just work".

See more details about configurations and dependencies below.


End users can utilzie a toolkit in their project by invoking one of the commands below.

npx unfig create [dir] [--toolkit=<toolkit>] Create a new project using the specified toolkit. (User will be queried for dir and toolkit if not provided.)

npx unfig init [--toolkit=<toolkit>] Use specified toolkit in an existing project. (User will be queried for toolkit if not provided.)

commands provided by the toolkit are shown in unfig help.


An unfig toolkit is a javascript function that takes a configuration object and returns an object with commands and configurations and toolDependencies.

// shape of an unfig toolkit module
module.exports = config => ({
  commands: {},
  configurations: {},
  toolDependencies: {},

Toolkit Type Definition

The complete flow type definition for a toolkit can be found here.

Real Toolkit Examples

Several real toolkits are included in the unfig monorepo.

The monorepo contains a simple toolkits for each tool, e.g. babel, eslint, jest. These are generally very simple toolkits providing a single command and a single configuration.

react-comp is a toolkit which supports a react component.

bare-node is a toolkit which supports node scripts and is used by toolkits themselves.

monorepo is a toolkit which can be installed at the top-level of a monorepo.

Demonstration Example

This contrived example shows two toolkits:


  • provides cmd-1 and config-1.js


  • uses toolkit-1 and toolkit-3 (not shown).
  • modifies config-1.js (from toolkit-1).
  • provides cmd-2 (which calls cmd-1 from toolkit-1).
  • provides config-2.js.
// toolkit-1
module.exports = cfg => {
  const { val } = cfg || { key: 'defaultVal' }; // default cfg
  return {
    commands: {
      'cmd-1': {
        description: 'Run cmd-1',
        handler: ({ args }) => console.log(`Running cmd-1 with args: ${args}`),
    configurations: {
      'config-1.js': () => ({ key: val }), // <-- uses cfg here
// toolkit-2
module.exports = cfg => {
  return {
    toolkits: [
      require('toolkit-1')(cfg), // use and configure toolkit-1
      cfg.useToolkit3 && require('toolkit-3')(cfg), // conditionally use toolkit-3 (not shown)
    commands: {
      'cmd-2': {
        description: 'Run cmd-2',
        handler: ({ args, toolkits }) => {
          console.log('running cmd-2');
          return toolkits.execCmd('cmd-1'); // call cmd-1 from toolkit-1
    configurations: {
      'config-1.js': ({ toolkits }) => ({
        key2: 'val2', // add key2 to config1.js object from toolkit-1
      'config-2.js': () => ({ key: 'val' }),

Using Example

A project could use toolkit-2 by running npx unfig init --toolkit toolkit-2.

The project would then contain config-1.js and config-2.js. See configurations section for more info.

The user could invoke cmd-1 by running npx unfig cmd-1.

The user could invoke cmd-2 by running npx unfig cmd-2.


Why are configurations special?

  • configurations exist as standard configuration files on disk in projects.
    • configurations automatically work with many tools in the ecosystem.
  • configurations exist as objects within toolkits.
    • configurations can be modified by chains of toolkits.

How do configurations work?

  1. unfig init creates configuration proxy files on disk.

For example, after unfig init a project might look like this:

  1. The configuration proxy files call into unfig to retrieve the actual configuration from toolkits.

Each of these configuration files contains proxy code:

// .babelrc.js, .eslintrc.js, jest.config.js, etc.
module.exports = require('unfig').getConfig(__filename);

How can configurations be modified?

unfig does not provide tools or helpers to modify configs.

If your toolkit modifies .babelrc.js from another toolkit, you need to know details about how babel config works, and about the .babelrc.js config provided by the other toolkit.

There is no guarantee that your modifications will work for other versions of the toolkit.

Basically, you are monkey-patching the configuration. Have a good name for this?

How can actual configurations be viewed?

node -p "require('./.babelrc.js')"


node -p "JSON.stringify(require('./.babelrc.js'), null, 2)"


dependencies specified by a toolkit end up installed as devDependencies in a project.

They serve two purposes:

  1. They allow toolkits or end users to change/modify tool versions without requiring a new version of a toolkit.
  2. They allow modules to be resolved when referenced from the project.

For example, this allows babel to work directly in the project, the same way it works when invoked from a toolkit. babel version, and any plugins used by .babelrc.js configuration, can be modified by toolkits, or by the end user, and will be used whether babel is invoked directly from the project, or from a toolkit.

Note: unfig init installs dependencies as devDependencies. This modifies devDependencies in the project's package.json.

Current-generation Toolkits

create-react-app: AMAZING! And, yet, severely limiting. Your project will hit a brick wall if you need some functionality it doesn't provide. Ejecting leaves you unable to upgrade, forking is possible, but has significant complications, and contributing is a great option for some cases, but generally not available for customization.

material-ui, formik, react-router, react-redux, downshift: All awesome! These are similiar projects (at least in that they all provide react components), yet they all use their own custom build systems and project setups. There isn't an equivalent of create-react-app for react components.


  • Support for specifying/installing tools
    • Allow toolkits to specify a default set of tools@versions; allow the user to easily update versions; allow tools to be conditionally installed (performance).
  • Support for documenting toolkit config options and interactive configuration during init
  • Support for documenting command options
  • Support for initializing toolkit during init, e.g. scaffolding code.
  • Support for non-module configurations, e.g. .json configs
  • Support toolkit branding
    • Allow unfig name to be hidden, e.g. npx mytoolkit create, npx mytoolkit build




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  • bradfordlemley