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Testing helpers for typeorm-linq-repository in a NestJS application.


This library is an extension of typeorm-linq-repository-testing that makes testing typeorm-linq-repository in a NestJS application significantly easier.

The sample tests in this repository make use of the CQRS pattern using @nestjs/cqrs, but you can adapt the test cases to your use case if you are doing something different.

Extending LinqRepositoryMockModule

In order to use LinqRepositoryMockModule, you must extend it in your own module that imports and exports your application's repositories.


import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { dataSourceMockFactory } from "typeorm-linq-repository-testing";
import { LinqRepositoryMockModule } from "typeorm-linq-repository-testing-nestjs";
import { appRepositories } from "../repositories";

    providers: [
            provide: DataSource,
            useFactory: dataSourceMockFactory
    exports: [
export class RepositoriesMockModule extends LinqRepositoryMockModule {}

Using your extended LinqRepositoryMockModule

Import the module in your unit tests as follows:


import { Test, TestingModule } from "@nestjs/testing";
import { GenericResponse, Rejection } from "@responsekit/core";
import { TsSimpleAutomapperModule } from "ts-simple-automapper-nestjs";
import { nameof } from "ts-simple-nameof";
import { MockLinqRepositoryReturnResultsController } from "typeorm-linq-repository-testing";
import { Artist, ArtistType } from "../entities";
import { RepositoriesMockModule } from "../modules/repositories-mock.module";
import { ArtistRepository, ArtistTypeRepository, appRepositories } from "../repositories";
import { AddArtistCommand } from "./add-artist.command";
import { AddArtistHandler } from "./add-artist.handler";

describe(nameof(AddArtistHandler), () => {
    const mockArtistType1 = new ArtistType();
    mockArtistType1.id = 1;
    mockArtistType1.name = "Painter";
    const mockArtistType2 = new ArtistType();
    mockArtistType2.id = 2;
    mockArtistType2.name = "Musician";
    const mockArtist = new Artist();
    mockArtist.artistTypeId = 1;
    mockArtist.name = "John Doe";
    const returnResultsController = new MockLinqRepositoryReturnResultsController<Artist>();
    let handler: AddArtistHandler;

    beforeEach(async () => {
        const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
            imports: [
                        records: [mockArtist],
                        repository: ArtistRepository,
                        records: [mockArtistType1, mockArtistType2],
                        repository: ArtistTypeRepository
            providers: [AddArtistHandler]

        handler = module.get<AddArtistHandler>(AddArtistHandler);

    it("should add artist if IDs are valid and no artist with same name exists", async () => {
        const command = new AddArtistCommand();
        command.artistTypeId = mockArtistType1.id;
        command.name = "Jane Doe";
        returnResultsController.createComparerSequence(a => a.name === command.name);
        const result = await handler.execute(command);

    it("should throw rejection if artist with same name exists", async () => {
        const command = new AddArtistCommand();
        command.artistTypeId = mockArtistType1.id;
        command.name = mockArtist.name;
        returnResultsController.createComparerSequence(a => a.name === command.name);
        let rejection: Rejection;

        try {
            await handler.execute(command);
        catch (error) {
            rejection = error;

        expect(rejection.message).toBe("An artist with that name already exists.");

    it("should throw rejection if invalid artist type ID is provided", async () => {
        const command = new AddArtistCommand();
        command.artistTypeId = 3;
        command.name = "Jane Doe";
        returnResultsController.createComparerSequence(a => a.name === command.name);
        let rejection: Rejection;

        try {
            await handler.execute(command);
        catch (error) {
            rejection = error;

        expect(rejection.message).toBe("Invalid artist type ID.");


Notice the following line in the above code snippet:

const returnResultsController = new MockLinqRepositoryReturnResultsController<Artist>();

MockLinqRepositoryReturnResultsController is the crux of using this library. It allows you to tell your unit test cases what you expect from the repository for a given scenario and return different mock results based on each scenario.

Note that, although the line setting up how to return results is the same in each test case:

returnResultsController.createComparerSequence(a => a.name === command.name);

Since command.name is different in each test case, each test case will receive the intended mocked entity from the mock repository given the scenario you are testing.

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