npm i typed-remote-objects
yarn add typed-remote-objects
<apex:remoteObjectModel name="CustomObject__c">
<apex:remoteObjectField name="Id" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="Name" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="CreatedById" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="CreatedDate" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="LastModifiedById" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="LastModifiedDate" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="OwnerId" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="FieldString__c" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="FieldNumber__c" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="FieldBoolean__c" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="FieldDate__c" />
Define the overwrite method with Apex,
public with sharing class ExamplePageClass {
public static Map<String, Object> createCustomObject(String object_name, Map<String, Object> fields) {
CustomObject__c co = new CustomObject__c();
insert co;
return new Map<String, Object>{ 'id' => co.Id };
Please call it from Visualforce.
<apex:page controller="ExamplePageClass">
<apex:remoteObjectModel name="CustomObject__c" create="{!$RemoteAction.ExamplePageClass.createCustomObject}">
Define the overwrite method with Apex,
public with sharing class ExamplePageClass {
public static map<string, object> retrieveAttachment(String object_name, String[] fields, Map<String,Object> criteria) {
String[] fs = new String[0];
for (String f : fields) {
if (f.equals('Body')) continue;
return RemoteObjectController.retrieve(object_name, fs, criteria);
public static map<string, object> createAttachment(String object_name, Map<String, Object> fields) {
return RemoteObjectController.create(
new Map<String, Object>{
'Body' => EncodingUtil.base64Decode((String) fields.get('Body')),
'ContentType' => fields.get('ContentType'),
'Name' => fields.get('Name'),
'ParentId' => fields.get('ParentId')
public static map<string, object> updateAttachment(String object_name, String[] record_ids, Map<String, Object> fields) {
Attachment a = [SELECT Id, Body FROM Attachment WHERE Id = :record_ids.get(0)];
return RemoteObjectController.updat(
new Map<String, Object>{
'Body' => EncodingUtil.base64Decode(EncodingUtil.base64Encode(a.Body) + (String) fields.get('Body'))
Please call it from Visualforce.
<apex:remoteObjectField name="Body" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="ContentType" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="Name" />
<apex:remoteObjectField name="ParentId" />
import { init, Record } from 'typed-remote-objects'
type SObject = {
Id?: string | null
Name?: string | null
CreatedById?: string | null
CreatedDate?: Date | null
LastModifiedById?: string | null
LastModifiedDate?: Date | null
OwnerId?: string | null
FieldString__c?: string | null
FieldNumber__c?: number | null
FieldBoolean__c?: boolean | null
FieldDate__c?: Date | null
// Extensions is optional
type Extensions = {
getFormattedCreatedDate(this: SObject): string
getText(this: SObject & Extensions): string
const CustomObject__c = () => {
return init<SObject, Extensions>({
object_name: 'CustomObject__c',
time_zone_offset: 9, // In Visualforce remote objects, dates included in records are acquired in local time, but when insert and update records they are saved as UTC and differences will occur, so adjust with this property.
extensions: {
getFormattedCreatedDate() {
const cd = this.CreatedDate!
return `${cd.getFullYear()}-${cd.getMonth() + 1}-${cd.getDate()}`
getText() {
return `${this.Name} - ${this.getFormattedCreatedDate()}`
// No extensions
const CustomObject__c = () => init<SObject>({ object_name: 'CustomObject__c' })
;(async () => {
// Retrieves
const result1: Record<SObject, Extensions> | null = await CustomObject__c()
.where('Id', { eq: 'salesforce_id' })
.one() // Retrieve with `limit (1)`
const obj = result1!.toObject() // Returns an object literal without methods or functions
const result2: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomObject__c()
.where('Id', { in: ['salesforce_id_1', 'salesforce_id_2'] })
.size(256) // If `limit()` `offset()` is not set, you can specify the number of records with `size()` (Maximum 2000)
const result3: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomObject__c()
.where('OwnerId', { eq: 'salesforce_user_id' })
.order('CreatedDate', 'ASC')
.order('FieldDate__c', 'DESC NULLS LAST') // Multiple orders can be specified
.limit(5) // Maximum 100
.offset(10) // Maximum 2000
const result4: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomObject__c()
.where('Name', { eq: 'foo' })
.where('FieldNumber__c', { ne: 0 }) // Multiple conditions can be specified
.all() // If `limit()` `offset()` `size()` is not set, that retrieve up to 2000 records that exist
// AND, OR pattern
const result5: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomObject__c()
.and(_ => _.where('FieldString__c', { eq: 'text' }), _ => _.where('FieldBoolean__c', { eq: false }))
const result6: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomObject__c()
.or(_ => _.where('FieldString__c', { eq: 'text' }), _ => _.where('FieldBoolean__c', { eq: false }))
// You can also specify conditions in the conventional format
const co = CustomObject__c()
co._wheres = {
and: {
FieldString__c: { eq: 'text' },
FieldBoolean__c: { eq: false },
const result7: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await co.all()
// CUDs
const inserted_record: Record<SObject, Extensions> = await CustomObject__c()
.record({ FieldBoolean__c: false })
.set('FieldString__c', 'text')
const formatted_created_date = inserted_record.getFormattedCreatedDate() // formatted_created_date => YYYY-MM-DD
const updated_record: Record<SObject, Extensions> = await inserted_record
.set('FieldDate__c', new Date())
.set('FieldString__c', null)
await updated_record.delete()
// Custom metadata example
const result8: Record<SObject, Extensions>[] = await CustomMetadata__mdt()
.limit(100) // Please specify `limit` for error avoidance