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Collections that actually type-check at runtime, not only in IDEs.

import { typedSet, typedMap, typedWeakSet, typedWeakMap } from 'type-checked-collections';

// define `typeof` or `instanceof` where
//  * typeof is a `string` with possible unions in it
//  * instanceof is a Class or an array of classes (unions)

// Set define the kind of value they can use
/** @type {Set<string>} */
const StringSet = typedSet({typeof: 'string'});

const myStrings = new StringSet(['a', 'b']);

// this throws a TypeError

// Map and WeakMap define a key/value pair where
// null(ish) key or value means: `any`
const StringKeyMap = typedMap([
  // key
  {typeof: 'string | number'},
  // value as any

It is possible to define either keys or values as a combination of typeof and instanceof:

import { typedSet } from 'type-checked-collections';

const TypedSet = typedSet({
  // accept typeof string and typeof number
  typeof: 'string | number',

  // accept only instance of String
  instanceof: String,
  // ... or ...
  // accept instance of String or instance of Number
  instanceof: [String, Number],

  // optionally it is possible to pass an error handler
  onerror(/** @type {string} */ message, value) {
    throw new TypeError(message);
    // value is literally whatever value was used
    // and failed either as key or as value

const ts = new TypedSet([
  new String('a'),
  new Number(2)

// throws a TypeError
ts.add(void 0);
typeof runtime check
string typeof value === 'string'
boolean typeof value === 'boolean'
number typeof value === 'number'
function typeof value === 'function'
symbol typeof value === 'symbol'
undefined typeof value === 'undefined'
bigint typeof value === 'bigint'
object typeof value === 'object' && value !== null
null value === null

The instanceof single or multiple class value is checked via instanceof operator.


If typeof value is specified, it is the first performed check and it is the fastest check in ECMAScript.

If the instanceof value is defined, an instanceof operator is used to validate further in case previous typeof, if present, failed.

In Map and WeakMap cases, if either the key or the value is null or undefined, the check is a no-op such as () => true.

Last, but not least, if there is only one type to check, either one typeof without unions or one instanceof class only, the check is done directly without looping through the array of possible valid types (as in: best possible perf).

Go Native

If you are happy with the development experience and you'd like to drop all checks and use just native Set, Map or others, there is a type-checked-collections/dummy export that is a drop-in replacement that results into a no-op, meaning all you get is the native Set, Map or others constructors resulting in zero runtime overhead.

This could be handy also for perf comparison (in case you believe the issue is caused by this library) or debugging sessions (to have the least amount of code to step into while debugging).

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  • webreflection