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2.5.1 • Public • Published

★★★ Tynogels

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A modern, await-based DynamoDB data mapper built on runtime types.


  • Promise-first design using ES6+ async/await.
  • Advanced, context-driven types.
  • Chained query operations.
  • Inspired by Dynogels.


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Access Keys

AWS access keys should be defined in `~/.aws/credentials". If running on Lambda, AWS access will be automatically granted.

Regions and endpoints are defined via the config option:

import tynogels from "tynogels";

  endpoint: "localhost",
  region: "us-east-1"

Defining Models

A model represents a data record type that can be stored and retrieved from DynamoDB. These models are defined via the "define" function.

All key definitions are defined using run-time types from io-ts.

import tynogels from "tynogels";
import t from "io-ts";

  region: "us-east-1"

const User = tynogels.define({
  tableName: "users",
  hashKey: {
    name: t.string
  sortKey: {
    age: t.number
  schema: {
    email: t.string,
    thing: t.string

Advanced Type-Checking

Tynogels will automatically check that required properties are present in all API commands, and that they are of the correct type. Given the above definition of 'User', a correct record creation call would be:

  name: "Bob",
  age: 32

However, if we try to pass in age as a string, we get a compile-time error:

Additionally, if we do not supply an age, the compiler will complain:

We can supply additional attributes as long as they are defined in the schema:

  name: "Bob",
  age: 32,
  email: "bob@foo.net"

But if we try to add an attribute that isn't defined in the schema, the compiler will complain:

All API calls supported by Tynogels are type-checked in the above style, and calls which return data records return the underlying type annotation.

Reading Entries

Reading entries is done by the "read" command, which takes in an object defined by your hash key and/or sort key, depending on your schema. It returns an object of the underlying native type.

Care must be taken: the type annotation will be deceitful in the case that the underlying object that is attempting to be read does not exist.

Further Commands Supported

Tynogels is a hard subset of Dynogels, and doesn't implement all the functionality that the NodeJS DynamoDB API supports. It does implement the following however:

  • Updating records a la User.update({...})
  • Deleting records a la User.delete({...})
  • Efficient batch creation via User.create({...}[])
  • Batch reading via User.batchRead({...}[])
  • Simple, typed, chained query commands:
    • User.query("Bob").exec()
    • User.query("Bob").where("age").between(20, 35).exec()
    • User.query("Bob").where("age").gte(20).exec()



See the Apache 2.0 permissive license.

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