How many times you forgot what the helper classes for line-height were, or what the default breakpoints for Tailwind CSS are? Tw-helper is a command-line tool that provides fast, and easy to use commands retrieving information on Tailwind CSS, so you don't have to necessarily go browse documentation and lose focus!
Option 1: Use directly with npx
npx tw-helper
Option 2: Install globally
npm install -g tw-helper
Option 3: Install to project local scope
npm install tw-helper --save-dev
Add tw-helper command to PATH variable
export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin
NOTE: 24-bit True color for command line is required for the colors to show up correctly.
The colors command allows you to list the colors on the Tailwind CSS project.
tw-helper colors [options]
-d, --default:
Use this flag to list the default color palette from Tailwind CSS.
tw-helper colors --default
This command will print the default set of colors provided by Tailwind CSS.
-c, --config <file>:
Use this flag to provide a custom Tailwind CSS configuration file. The file should specify custom colors used in your project. This flag is only required, if the Tailwind CSS configuration file is renamed, or relocated from the project root.
tw-helper colors --config "/path/to/your-config.js"
This command will print the colors defined in the specified configuration file.
Example output:
tw-helper colors
Example output:
tw-helper colors -d
The breakpoints command allows you to list the breakpoints on the Tailwind CSS project.
-c, --config <file>:
Use this flag to provide a custom Tailwind CSS configuration file. The file should specify custom colors used in your project. This flag is only required, if the Tailwind CSS configuration file is renamed, or relocated from the project root.
tw-helper breakpoints --config "/path/to/your-config.js"
Example output:
tw-helper breakpoints
The css command allows you to list the Tailwind CSS helper classes associated for the provided css property. Also provides a link to the Tailwind CSS documentation for the given property.
tw-helper css <property>
- Css property to list the Tailwind CSS classes for.
Example output:
tw-helper css opacity
All contributions are welcome, please read how to contribute first.