Tiny TypeScript functional dependency injection, based on Node.js AsyncLocalStorage.
Firstly, need init DI container for each life cycle of your backend application (each HTTP request/response, handle MQ message, ...).
Example of middleware for typical Koa application, where on each HTTP request will be created particular DI container:
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await diInit(async () => return await next());
Further, simply use ts-fp-di API "as is" in code, it will consider particular DI scope.
const fn = di(() => 1);
fn() // call `fn` function inside DI scope, it's return 1
const fn = di(() => 1);
diSet(fn, () => 2); // Override `fn` function inside DI scope. Useful for unit tests.
fn() // returns 2, because it rewriten.
const fn = () => 1;
diSet(fn, () => 2); // Override `fn` function inside DI scope. Useful for unit tests.
diDep(fn)() // returns 2, because it rewriten.
diSet('user', {login: 'xxx'}); // Useful to setup current user in DI scope
diDep<User>('user') // Extract current user from anywhere
// setup Redux like state with reducer in DI scope
const inc = dis((sum, n: number) => sum + n, 0);
inc(1); // mutate state
inc(); // 1, "inc" without argument returns current state
// setup Redux like state with reducer in global scope (pass true as isGlobal flag)
const inc = dis((sum, n: number) => sum + n, 0, true);
inc(1); // mutate state
inc(); // 1, "inc" without argument returns current state
clearGlobalState(); // you can clear global state (useful in tests)
inc() // 0, "inc" returns default value now
let i = 0;
const fn = diOnce(() => { // <- setup Singleton function for DI scope
i += 1;
return i;
fn(); // 1
fn(); // also 1, because fn is singleton for DI scope
const cache = dic<number>()
cache() // 1
const fn = diOnce((n: number) => { // <- setup Singleton function for DI scope
return n + 1;
diOnceSet(fn, -1); // Override diOnceSet. For example, use this in your unit tests
fn(4) // -1 instead 5, because -1 set on prev line
diExists() // false
diInit(() => {
diExists() // true
const ctx = diContext()
diInit(() => {
// ctx will be considered here
}, ctx)
diInit(() => {
// same ctx will be considered here too
}, ctx)
const inc = dis((resp: number, n: number) => resp + n, 0)
const scope = diScope({ inc }, () => {
// optional "constructor" function
// some `diSet` can be used here
scope.inc(5) // this mutation occur only inside this scope
scope.inc() // 5
const cacheNumber = dic<number>()
const calcString = diMap(n => `string - ${n}`, cacheNumber)
calcString() // "string - 5"
const onceNumber = diOnce((n: number) => {
return n;
const calcString = diMap(n => `string - ${n}`, onceNumber)
calcString() // "string - 5"
const inc = dis((sum, n: number) => sum + n, 0);
const calcString = diMap(s => `string - ${s}`, inc)
calcString() // "string - 5"
calcString.raw(1) // direct call of function, useful for unit tests
const cacheNumber = dic<number>()
let i = 0
const onceString = diMapOnce(n => ((i = i + 1), `string - ${n}`), cacheNumber)
onceString() // "string - 5"
onceString() // i = 1, because onceString is singleton for DI scope
const numberState = dic<number>()
const stringState = diMap(n => `string - ${n}`, numberState)
const seState = dic<string>() // will be populated via side effect
const se = dise(
async (n, s) => `${n} ${s}`, // side effect async function
seState, // this state will be populated via async response
n, // optional arg1 for effect function
s) // optional arg2 for effect function
await se()
seState() // "5 string - 5"
Internal AsyncLocalStorage instance exposed as als
property. You can implement your own plugin around it.
For example you can freeze as singleton you dependency via package.json overrides
"overrides": {
"ts-fp-di": "^x.x.x"
- ts-fp-di-mikroorm - Use MikroORM Entities inside ts-fp-di State and achieve auto persistence in DB
- ts-fp-di-rxjs - Utils for RxJS for working with ts-fp-di
- rxjs-wait-next - Wait RxJS Subject.next emition for all subscribers