Type-Safe Event Dispatcher
This is a simple event dispatcher which implements the mediator pattern, where a well-known centralised object is available to send and recieve messages.
Messages sent (with .dispatch()
) have an assigned event type (or event key) which can be any type (Symbol, string, object, function etc.).
Recievers can subscribe (with .addListener()
) to these specifict event types.
There are too many Event Dispatcher implementations on the net. Yet here I am making another one. To be honest a fully functional event dispatcher can be made with 3 lines of code. What this package additionally provides are a set of type declarations attached to the dispatcher class. With these type declarations your IDE will provide code completion for all possible events.
import { Dispatcher } from 'ts-dispatcher';
// make a type which lists all possible events
type DispatchedEvents =
Dispatcher.Event<'event-key-1', string, number> |
Dispatcher.Event<'event-key-2', string> |
Dispatcher.Event<'event-key-3', number>;
// create a dispatcher
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher<DispatchedEvents>();
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-1', 'abc', 123); // OK.
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-1', 'abc'); // type error: missing third parameter (number).
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-2', 'abc'); // OK.
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-2', 'abc', 123); // type error: unknown third parameter (number).
dispatcher.addListener('event-key-3', (param1) => console.log(param1)); // OK.
dispatcher.addListener('event-key-3', (param1) => console.log(JSON.parse(param1))); // type error: param1 is not a string (JSON.parse expects a string).
dispatcher.addListener('event-key-3', (param1, param2) => console.log(param1)); // type error: unknown argument param2.
dispatcher.addListener('event-key-4', () => console.log(4)); // type error: unknown 'event-key-4' argument.
Usage with interfaces
// src/component.ts
import { dispatcher } from './dispatcher.ts';
declare global {
interface DispatchedEvents {
'event-key-1': [string, number];
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-1', 'abc', 123); // OK.
dispatcher.dispatch('event-key-1', 'abc'); // type error: missing third parameter (number).
// src/dispatcher.ts
import { Dispatcher } from 'ts-dispatcher';
export const dispatcher = new Dispatcher<Dispatcher.FromInterface<DispatchedEvents>>();
Note: With interfaces only string keys are possible as event keys, but allows you to separate the dispatched event types into modules.
new Dispatcher<Events>()
The Events
generic parameter expects a touple type ([T1, T2]
) where T1
is the event key and T2
is an array of the expected arguments of the dispatched message.
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher<['hello', [string, number]] | ['world', [string]] | ['no-params', []]>();
There is a helper type to make touples more readable: Dispatcher.Event<Key, P1, P2, ...>
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher<Dispatcher.Event<'hello', string, number> | Dispatcher.Event<'world', string> | Dispatcher.Event<'no-params'>>();
dispatcher.dispatch(eventKey, param1, param2, ...)
Notifies all registered event listeners passing the param1, param2, ... to the listener as arguments.
dispatcher.addListener(eventKey, listener)
Register a new event listener. Registering the same listener for the same event type multiple times is ignored.
dispatcher.removeListener(eventKey, listener)
Removes a registered event listener.