
2.1.2 • Public • Published


Fast, simple, powerfull rest client for node.

var trestcjs = require('trestcjs')
var options = {resdecod:{type:'json'}}


$ npm install trestcjs


  • Typical http method allowed (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE)
  • Allow http and https request
  • Allow convert automatically request data from js to JSON,XML,FORM or Direct
  • Allow parse automatically data reponse from JSON or XML to js
  • Redirection automatic negotation
  • Allow custom log request implementation
  • Powefull configuration.


General Rest request:

    trestcjs.http_get(host,port,path,pathparams,options,callback); //No Data. Also https_get
    trestcjs.http(method,host,port,path,pathparams,data,options,callback);//Added parameter method. Also https


Valid operations are:

  • http_get : HTTP/GET
  • http_post : HTTP/POST
  • http_put : HTTP/PUT
  • http_delete : HTTP/DELETE
  • https_get : HTTPS/GET
  • https_post : HTTPS/POST
  • https_put : HTTPS/PUT
  • https_delete : HTTPS/DELETE
  • http : HTTP/XXX (In this case function has an extra parameter method to indicate the method to use)
  • https : HTTPS/XXX (In this case function has an extra parameter method to indicate the method to use)

Function Parameters

  • host: domain/ip to request (
  • port: port to request (typical 80 in http and 443 in https)
  • path: path to request (/path/to/resource)
  • options: options, will be described later
  • data: Data to send with request. Can be a string or a Javascript object that can be converted by client to JSON, XML or url-form-encoded depending on options
  • pathparams: object with parameters to include to path. For example {value=1,other=2} modify path to ?value=1&value=2
  • callback: callback for response. Standard (error,response)


If you want to make a PUT request to with xml data : value value just:

var trestcjs = require('trestcjs')
var options = {reqdecod:{type:'xml',xmlhead:'node'}}
var pathparams = {value:1,other:2}
var data = {node1:value,node2:value}
    //Response here...

Other Example. If you want to make a POST with a form with data a=1 and b = 2 to

var trestcjs = require('trestcjs')
var options = {reqdecod:{type:'form'}}
var data = {a:1,b:2}
    //Response here...


trestcjs has several options parameters. All of them are object (except trace that is boolean) and can be included in options or not (they are not mandatory)

  • headers
  • auth
  • cert
  • reqdecod
  • resdecod
  • trace
  • log

Headers Options

trestcjs allow custom header parameter. Any parameter that you include in the object header will include in the header of request. For example you can set headers['SOAPAction'] = 'blabla' and this parameter will be received from server in headers. Remember that http headers are case INsensitive. One aclaration, by default, trestcjs include the parameter 'accept-encoding' as 'gzip, deflate' but you can rewrite including this parameter in header or removing just setting to '' => headers['accept-encoding'] = ''

Auth Options

Right now the only supported authorization method is Basic Auth, you set it as:

auth : {
  type : 'basic',
  username: 'your username',
  password: 'your password'

Cert Options

You can include cert key/secret and even cert authority:

cert : {
  key: 'local/path/to/key',
  cert: 'local/path/to/cert',
  ca: 'local/path/to/ca'

More information in the official node documentation:


This object allow configure request decoding (data and text). Fields:

reqdecod : {
  type: 'xml', //Valid xml, json, form and direct
  encoding: 'utf-8' //text encoding of request

If you set reqdecod.type, system will use this as a data converter and will set automatically content-type. If you don't set this, check if you set content-type and if not just assign direct Allowed encoding:


Same as reqdecod. If type is not set, check content-type in headers of response

resdecod : {
  type: 'xml', //Valid xml, json, form and direct
  encoding: 'utf-8' //text encoding of request


If you set this field in options and set as true, the callback of response will include two extrafields : statusCode and trace. Trace is an object with all data/headers/information of request and response with:

trace : {
  req: {} // Object with request data
  res: {} //Object with response data


If you want to include your own asyncronous log, you have to set this field with the "log tag" you want for the current request.

log : {
  tag: "YourRulesTag" // Your custom tag to identify request

Custom log will be explained later

Response and error

Callback will have 2 or 4 parameters: error,data[,statusCode,trace] when statusCode or trace only will be included if trace=true or log.tag exists.

  • 2XX response If a request receive a 2XX code, will be considered as ok request and the callback will have error=null and data="body of response already converted if type apply"
  • 4xx/5xx response If a request receive a 4XX or 5XX code will be considered as an error with error=THEERROR and data=null (if a request has body data, you can check it in trace) Error format:
  code //The error code
  msg //Message of this error
  (info) //Extra info of error, not mandatory
  (statusCode) //Error received from server (4XX,5XX). If trestcjs doesnt receive response (timeout or unreachable) then this field will not exists
  • 3xx response trestcjs will continue with request making automatically the redirection. If it's impossible to follow or is a continoous loop (max depth:5) then will response with error Format explained before


Is possible to create a custom and async log procedure. If you set log.tag in a request, trestcjs will emit two events: "requestStart" and "requestEnd" when request is sended and response is received (respectively). To subscribe to event just:



tag is log.tag you assign to request, trace is equal to trace in callback but only trace.req or trace.res depending on if is requestStart Event or requestEnd event



First version in client with all features




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