
0.0.1 • Public • Published

Trampoline -- AirPlay control service

Trampoline provides a node server that gives a RESTful API to AirPlay devices on the local network via node-airplay. The server can be used by applications on the local machine or network to discover AirPlay devices and control the playback of those devices with one API.

Eventually, Trampoline will provide transparent video serving (exposing individual local files over HTTP to enable playback from AirPlay devices) and transcoding (sourcing from local or remote video files and transcoding into a format that Apple devices will accept).


npm install trampoline
npm start trampoline


With npm:

npm install trampoline

From source:

cd ~
git clone
npm link trampoline/


When using npm start, use npm config to change the launch options:

npm config set trampoline:port 8090
npm start trampoline

If launching directly via trampoline:

trampoline --port=8090


Content API

NOTE: content status readyToPlay must be true before attempting playback!

Setup a new content serving request:

POST /content/setup
      source: {
        content: string,
        mimeType: string,     // 'video/webm'
        cookie: string,
        referer: string,
        auth: string          // user:password
      target: {
        mimeType: string,     // 'video/mp4'
        resolution: number,   // 480, 720, 1080, undefined for original
        quality: number       // [0-1], undefined for don't care
--> {
      id: string

GET /content/[id]
--> [streaming content]

PUT /content/[id]

DELETE /content/[id]

GET /content/[id]/status
--> {
      cached: boolean,
      seekable: boolean,
      readyToPlay: boolean

POST /content/[id]/cache
--> {}

Device API

List all devices on the network (query occasionally):

GET /device/list
--> {
      devices: [
          id: string,
          name: string,
          deviceId: string,
          features: number,
          model: string,
          slideshowFeatures: [],
          supportedContentTypes: [string, ...]
        }, ...

Get the information of a specific device:

GET /device/id/
--> {
      id: string,
      name: string,
      deviceId: string,
      features: number,
      model: string,
      slideshowFeatures: [],
      supportedContentTypes: [string, ...]

Get the playback status of a device:

GET /device/id/status
--> {
      duration: number,
      position: number,
      rate: number,
      playbackBufferEmpty: boolean,
      playbackBufferFull: boolean,
      playbackLikelyToKeepUp: boolean,
      readyToPlay: boolean,
      loadedTimeRanges: [
          start: number,
          duration: number
        }, ...
      seekableTimeRanges: [
          start: number,
          duration: number
        }, ...

Begin playback of the given content:

POST /device/id/play
      content: string,
      start: number
--> {}

Stop playback of the current content:

POST /device/id/stop
--> {}

Seek to the given position in the current content:

POST /device/id/scrub
      position: number
--> {}

Change the playback rate of the current content (0 = pause, 1 = resume):

POST /device/id/rate
      value: number
--> {}

Adjust the playback volume:

POST /device/id/volume
      value: number
--> {}

TODO: Post a photo for slideshow mode:

POST /device/id/photo
      content: string,
      transition: string
--> {}

Transcoding: install mac ports sudo port install ffmpeg +nonfree sudo port install mplayer +nonfree HTTP Live Streaming Tools

TODO: repackage on git so can be handled by npm somehow wget tar zxvf MediaInfo_CLI_0.7.50_GNU_FromSource.tar.bz2 cd MediaInfo_CLI_0.7.50_GNU_FromSource/ ./ cd MediaInfo/Project/GNU/CLI && make install

MENCODER=$(which mencoder) MEDIAINFO=$(which mediainfo) FFMPEG=$(which ffmpeg) LSDVD=$(which lsdvd) XML=$(which xmlstarlet)

/Applications/ -vv SOURCEFILE --intf=rc '--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=2048,acodec=mp4a,ab=192}:standard{mux=ts,dst=-,access=file}' | mediastreamsegmenter -f /some/tmp/path/ -D




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  • benvanik