UI component library based on tailwindcss, UnoCSS, heroicons. Topaz is a MIT licensed project that is developed and maintained by Antônio Zanotti.
npm i -D topaz-vue
Install UnoCSS (instructions here)
Update the main.ts file:
import "@unocss/reset/tailwind.css";
import "virtual:uno.css";
Update the uno.config.ts file:
import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetTopazVue from "topaz-vue/src/unocss-preset-topaz-vue";
export default defineConfig({
presets: [presetTopazVue()],
content: {
filesystem: ["./node_modules/topaz-vue/**/*.vue"],
That's all! Topaz's components can be imported in your .vue files.
<script setup lang="ts">
import {TzButton} from "topaz-vue";
<TzButton label="Button" />
You can customize colours and font sizes, just update the uno.config.ts file.
import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetTopazVue from "topaz-vue/src/unocss-preset-topaz-vue";
export default defineConfig({
presets: [presetTopazVue()],
content: {
filesystem: ["./node_modules/topaz-vue/**/*.vue"],
theme: {
fontSize: {
c1: "10px",
c2: "12px",
c3: "14px",
c4: "16px",
c5: "20px",
c6: "24px",
c7: "32px",
c8: "36px",
c9: "40px",
c10: "48px",
c11: "64px",
c12: "96px",
colors: {
accent: "#0891B2",
"accent-1": "#06B6D4",
"accent-2": "#22D3EE",
"dark-accent": "#22D3EE",
"dark-accent-1": "#06B6D4",
"dark-accent-2": "#0891B2",
primary: "#083344",
"primary-1": "#164E63",
"primary-2": "#155E75",
"dark-primary": "#E2E8F0",
"dark-primary-1": "#CBD5E1",
"dark-primary-2": "#94A3B8",
secondary: "#94A3B8",
"secondary-1": "#CBD5E1",
"secondary-2": "#E2E8F0",
"dark-secondary": "#155E75",
"dark-secondary-1": "#164E63",
"dark-secondary-2": "#083344",
negative: "#B91C1C",
"negative-1": "#DC2626",
"negative-2": "#EF4444",
"dark-negative": "#EF4444",
"dark-negative-1": "#DC2626",
"dark-negative-2": "#B91C1C",
dark: "#E5E7EB",
"dark-1": "#F3F4F6",
"dark-2": "#FFFFFF",
"dark-dark": "#000000",
"dark-dark-1": "#111827",
"dark-dark-2": "#1F2937",
light: "#000000",
"light-1": "#111827",
"light-2": "#1F2937",
"dark-light": "#FFFFFF",
"dark-light-1": "#F3F4F6",
"dark-light-2": "#E5E7EB",
"inverse-accent": "#000000",
"inverse-dark-accent": "#000000",
"inverse-primary": "#FFFFFF",
"inverse-dark-primary": "#000000",
"inverse-secondary": "#000000",
"inverse-dark-secondary": "#FFFFFF",
"inverse-negative": "#FFFFFF",
"inverse-dark-negative": "#000000",
"inverse-dark": "#000000",
"inverse-dark-dark": "#FFFFFF",
"inverse-light": "#FFFFFF",
"inverse-dark-light": "#000000",
The components was designed to work with these variants:
Light Theme:
- accent: colors for greatest emphasis.
- primary: colors for medium emphasis.
- secondary: colors for lowest emphasis.
- negative: colors for emphasizing actions that can be destructive.
- dark: light colors.
- light: dark colors.
- inverse-accent: text color above a accent background.
- inverse-primary: text color above a primary background.
- inverse-secondary: text color above a secondary background.
- inverse-negative: text color above a negative background.
- inverse-dark: text color above a dark background.
- inverse-light: text color above a light background.
Dark Theme:
- dark-accent: accent colors on dark theme.
- dark-primary: primary colors on dark theme.
- dark-secondary: secondary colors on dark theme.
- dark-negative: negative colors on dark theme.
- dark-dark: light colors.
- dark-light: dark colors.
- inverse-dark-accent: text color above a accent background on dark theme.
- inverse-dark-primary: text color above a primary background on dark theme.
- inverse-dark-secondary: text color above a secondary background on dark theme.
- inverse-dark-negative: text color above a negative background on dark theme.
- inverse-dark-dark: text color above a dark background on dark theme.
- inverse-dark-light: text color above a light background on dark theme.
You can use a color contrast checker to help calculate the contrast. The colours dark-2 and dark-dark-2 are used for background.
- Components: visit the official documentation to see available components.
- Dark and Light Theme: it uses class strategy of tailwindcss.
- Responsive: some components on screens larger than or equal to 1024px will be ~20% smaller than mobile version.
The colours swap with each other by 'dark-' prefix.