
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Introducing tokeninput

Dependency-free Javascript UI component providing a token based input element with grouped completion lists and free-text entry


Create an instance of the TokenInput class with two parameters:

  • an instance of an Input DOM element
  • a configuration object, to tailor the component to your needs
<script src="tokeninput/tokeninput.js" />
<div id="tokeninput">
  <input placeholder="Type something…" />
new TokenInput( document.getElementById( 'tokeninput' ), {} );

See index.html and demo.js for examples.

There are lots of options, see tokeninput.js


Method Description
addEventListener(element, type, listener) Adds an event listener to the given element.
getTokens() Returns an array of objects representing each token added to the component.
getSelectedCompletion() Returns the datum of the selected completion
setSelectedCompletion(datum) Sets the selected completion
getSelectedCompletionElement() Returns the element of the selected completion
removeCompletions() Removes all the completions
setTokens(newTokens) Removes all existing tokens from the UI and replaces them with the tokens in the given array.
setCompletionGroups(completionGroups) Configures the completion groups that visually separate suggestions.
removeFloatingElement() Hides the suggestion UI.
removeToken(datum, options) Removes the given token from the component UI and the component's internal list of tokens.
positionFloatingElement() Force the floating element to reposition
setElementAfterCompletions(element) Set the element to place after completions
setElementBeforeCompletions(element) Set the element to place before completions
getScrollingContainer() Get the current scrolling container element
onUp() Trigger the up key handler
onDown() Trigger the down key handler
destroy() Cleans up by removing all registered event listeners.

Completions / suggestions

Use the following options to drive how completions are presented:

Option Description
completionsForText Function that receives the text, delayedCompletionsId and delayedCompletionsFn. Returns datums (objects) for each completion
completionClassNames Function that receives a datum to determine it's class name
completionFormatter Function that receives a datum and corresponding element for further customisation
completionGroupClassNames Function that receives the completion group, returns an array of class names
completionGroupHeadingClassNames Function that receives the completion group heading, returns an array of class names
completionGroups Object of completion group definitions, see demo.js
newCompletionOption Function that receives a group and returns the datum for the 'new' completion, defaults to "+ New (group.singular)"

Other options

Option Description Default
readOnly Prevents tokens from being added / removed false
tabToAdd Pressing the tab key submits the current token and allows a new one to be entered true
xHTML A string which represents the delete button in a token &times;
tokenClassNames A function which is called for each added token. Should return an array of class names that will be added to the token HTML element. []
tokenFormatter A function which is called for each added token. Can be used to customise the token element for display when not in inline mode
inlineTokenFormatter A function which is called for each added token. Can be used to customise the token element for display when in inline mode
containerClickTriggersFocus Determines if a click on the containing element will focus the tokeninput true
freeTextEnabled Determines whether the user is able to enter arbitrary tokens (true) or forced to select a pre-existing datum (false) false
freeTextToken A function that determines the makeup of a datum created via free-text
freeTextCompletion A function that determines the makeup of an object that represents free-text entry which is passwd to the suggestion handler
willShowFreeTextCompletion A function that determines whether or not to show the completion view for free-text
inlineTokenTrigger An object which defines logic for determining whether to show completion for typed text when in inline mode
namespace A string or function to namespace element class names null
autoSelectSingleCompletions Select the first and only completion automatically true
positionFloatingElement A function that is passed the floating element for manual positioning null
floatingElementParent An element to use as the floating elements parent node, defaults to the input elements parent node null
removeOnlyCompletionsListElement Set to true to only remove the list element rather than the whole floating element false
beforeEnter Pre-keypress event handler null
beforeCompletionClick Pre-click event handler null
hintElement An element to use as a hint container null
scrollingContainerClassName A selector for the scrolling container, by default the floating element is used null
hintAfterAdd Show the hint element after adding a token false
disableTokenClick Disable the build-in token click hander false
disableFocusOnRemove Disable the automatic behaviour that focuses the input element after removing a token false
placeholderLength Specify the placeholder length in characters null



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