
0.1.0 • Public • Published

Z-wave Device Bridge for Tinkerhub

This module provides support for creating a Z-wave network using
openzwave-shared and bringing those devices into Tinkerhub.

As this module only exposes generic Z-wave devices you probably want to combine it with other modules that expose user friendly interfaces to the Z-wave devices.

  • Latest version: 0.1.0
  • Status: Unstable

Installation and setup

You will need to install OpenZWave, see Prerequisites in the openzwave-shared README and a compatible controller.

When running tinkerhubd install via:

$ tinkerhubd install bridge-zwave

This will make the bridge available for configuration, the type of the bridge device is zwave:bridge. The easiest way to configure it is by using the CLI:

$ tinkerhub
> type:zwave:bridge connect /dev/ttyACM0
 SUCCESS zwave:bridge:ix77x0i92jyi
  configured: true
  connected: true

Make sure that Node has read and write permissions to your USB-device.

Adding Z-wave devices

Call addDevice on the bridge add a device.

$ tinkerhub
> type:zwave:bridge addDevice
 SUCCESS zigbee:bridge:ix77x0i92jyi
  Press inclusion/action button on device to pair

As soon as the bridge sees the device it will be made available as a new device of type zwave.

Extending devices

This module provides simple access to the Z-wave protocol and devices need to be extended to do something useful.

  .extendWith(thing => thing.zwaveInspect()
    .then(data => {
      // Check for required Z-wave classes here
      if(! dataHasNeededClasses) return;

      return new CustomDevice(thing).init();

Actions and events

Action: zwaveInspect

Inspect the device, returning information about it and its classes. This is useful for figuring out if a device should be enhanced and for manually inspecting the data structure when building device extensions.

Action: zwaveValues(classId, [instance])

Fetch all values for the given class optionally limiting them to a specific instance.

Action: zwaveGetValue(classId, instance, index)

Read a single value in the given class and instance.

Action: zwaveGetValues(values)

Read several values at once. values is an array with object such as:

	classId: 30,
	instance: 1,
	index: 0

Action: zwaveSetValue(classId, instance, index, value)

Set a value for the given class and instance.

Event: zwave:value

Emitted when a value on the device is reported to have changed. Data is an object with the following keys:

  • classId
  • instance
  • index
  • oldValue
  • newValue

Event: zwave:event

Emitted when the Z-wave device reports an event. Data is specific to the device emitting the event.

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npm i tinkerhub-bridge-zwave

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  • aholstenson