A modern animation timeline built for performance and simplify some complex usage for animator needs.
Dependent on EventPine as Event Manager.
Some feature still being improved and undocumented yet.
Being used by StefansArya for some project.
If you're interested with this library please reach me on GitHub to update the documentation.
Timeline for selected elements
Any animateable CSS can used for keyframe, including filter (blur, hueRotate, etc).
var plate = Timeplate; // plate.duration = 1000; plate; // plate.currentTime = 100; -> 100ms = offset 0.1// Will immediately play from 100ms if above was set plate;
Parallel Timeline
Animate every timeline parallely.
var plate = Timeplate;platetimeline = Timeplate Timeplate; plate; // plate.currentTime = 100; -> 100ms = offset 0.1// Will immediately play from 100ms if above was set plate;
Series Timeline
Animate ordered timeline from first index and continue to another timeline.
var plate = Timeplate;platetimeline = Timeplate Timeplate; plate; // plate.currentTime = 100; -> 100ms = offset 0.1// Will immediately play from 100ms if above was set plate;
Combined Timeline
Play your ordered timeline inside of a timeline easily.
/* Series 1 Timeplate [Parallel 1] [Series 2] --> [Parallel 2] --> [Series 3] [Parallel 3] */ var Series1 = Timeplate;Series1timeline = // Series 2 Timeplate // Parallel 1,2,3 Timeplate // Series 3 (Will be played after Series 2) Timeplate; Series1; Series1;
Timeplate is under MIT License
But don't forget to put a link to the repository, or share it maybe.