Stand-alone TypeScript version of three.js math
This package is a standalone version of three.js (r147) math classes with TypeScript support and integrated TSdoc documentation.
- Box2
- Box3
- Color
- Cylindrical
- Euler
- Interpolant
- CubicInterpolant
- DiscreteInterpolant
- LinearInterpolant
- QuaternionInterpolant
- Line3
- MathUtils
- Matrix (interface)
- Matrix3
- Matrix4
- Plane
- Quaternion
- Ray
- Sphere
- Spherical
- Triangle
- Vector (interface)
- Vector2
- Vector3
- Vector4
API Documentation
The classes in TSDoc format are available here.
This module started as a fork of three-math-ts which has been dormant for some time. After extending that project and PR's going unaddressed I've moved on and started a series of focused threejs based modules such as this threejs-math package.