TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.12 • Public • Published

Threadcap helps you take and update snapshots of a public ActivityPub comment thread, given a root post url.

A Minipub subproject.

Carefully packaged so that it can be used from either newer-style ESM-based or older-style CommonJS-based Node projects.

Written using Deno, so also can be used without this NPM package at all (see Deno example below).


  • Isomorphic, use in the browser, Node, or Deno
  • No dependencies, bring your own fetch
  • TypeScript typings included
  • Produces a threadcap: a serializable json object snapshot of the comment thread, includes normalized comment/commenter/attachment info along with any errors encountered during enumeration
  • Supports incremental updating scenarios
  • Bring your own caching to control which nodes are refetched
  • Can specify a maximum level of nodes to update in one pass
  • Breadth-first update, can specify a maximum number of levels to update in one pass
  • Can specify a subnode out of the larger reply tree to refresh
  • Tested with Mastodon, PeerTube, Castopod, and others
  • Tested with Pleroma, but replies under any Pleroma comment node will always be empty (since Pleroma does not implement the ActivityPub replies property)
  • Internal comment fetching respects rate-limit headers coming back from remote hosts (can also define a custom wait function)
  • Callback events for interesting events that occur while updating the threadcap
  • Supports request signing for fetching comments from Mastodon instances in "secure mode"


See the API docs in threadcap.ts for now.

These are also used to generate TypeScript typings for this NPM package, so you'll get them as hover documentation in your IDE.

Example usage in an ESM-based Node project


npm install threadcap
npm install node-fetch # you'll need a fetch implementation


import { makeThreadcap, InMemoryCache, updateThreadcap, makeRateLimitedFetcher } from 'threadcap';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const userAgent = 'my-podcast-app/1.0';
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const fetcher = makeRateLimitedFetcher(fetch); // respect any rate-limits defined by remote hosts

// initialize the threadcap
const threadcap = await makeThreadcap('', { userAgent, cache, fetcher });

// update the threadcap, process all replies
const callbacks = {
    onEvent: e => {
        if (e.kind === 'node-processed' && e.part === 'comment') {
            console.log(`Processed ${e.nodeId}`);
            // threadcap is now updated with a new comment, update your UI incrementally
await updateThreadcap(threadcap, { updateTime: new Date().toISOString(), userAgent, cache, fetcher, callbacks });

// final threadcap includes the comment/commenter info for the root post and all replies
console.log(JSON.stringify(threadcap, undefined, 2));

Example usage in a CommonJS-based Node project


npm install threadcap
npm install node-fetch@2 # you'll need a commonjs-based fetch implementation


const { makeThreadcap, InMemoryCache, updateThreadcap, makeRateLimitedFetcher } = require('threadcap');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

async function run() {
    const userAgent = 'my-podcast-app/1.0';
    const cache = new InMemoryCache();
    const fetcher = makeRateLimitedFetcher(fetch); // respect any rate-limits defined by remote hosts

    // initialize the threadcap
    const threadcap = await makeThreadcap('', { userAgent, cache, fetcher });

    // update the threadcap, process all replies
    const callbacks = {
        onEvent: e => {
            if (e.kind === 'node-processed' && e.part === 'comment') {
                console.log(`Processed ${e.nodeId}`);
                // threadcap is now updated with a new comment, update your UI incrementally
    await updateThreadcap(threadcap, { updateTime: new Date().toISOString(), userAgent, cache, fetcher, callbacks });

    // final threadcap includes the comment/commenter info for the root post and all replies
    console.log(JSON.stringify(threadcap, undefined, 2));

run(); // no top-level await when using CommonJS

Example usage in a Deno project

You don't need this NPM package or to install anything, just remote-import threadcap.ts from the source repo


import { makeThreadcap, InMemoryCache, updateThreadcap, makeRateLimitedFetcher, Callbacks } from '';

const userAgent = 'my-podcast-app/1.0';
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const fetcher = makeRateLimitedFetcher(fetch); // respect any rate-limits defined by remote hosts

// initialize the threadcap
const threadcap = await makeThreadcap('', { userAgent, cache, fetcher }); 

// update the threadcap, process all replies
const callbacks: Callbacks = {
    onEvent: e => {
        if (e.kind === 'node-processed' && e.part === 'comment') {
            console.log(`Processed ${e.nodeId}`);
            // threadcap is now updated with a new comment, update your UI incrementally
await updateThreadcap(threadcap, { updateTime: new Date().toISOString(), userAgent, cache, fetcher, callbacks });

// final threadcap includes the comment/commenter info for the root post and all replies
console.log(JSON.stringify(threadcap, undefined, 2));

Example threadcap JSON structure

Typescript type is fully documented in threadcap.ts to appear in IDEs, but here is a realistic example output JSON with the same documentation:

// threadcap: Snapshot of an ActivityPub thread tree, starting at a given root object url.
// Serializable json object that can be saved, then reloaded to resume or update.
// Create a new threadcap using the 'makeThreadcap' function.
// Update an existing threadcap using the 'updateThreadcap' function.
  // One or more id urls of the root-level nodes.
  // Use these to lookup the corresponding root node when starting to recurse down a reply tree.
  "roots": [ "" ],

  // Comment data nodes captured so far, keyed by ActivityPub id.
  // Each Node has information on any comment content or error found, and pointers to its direct replies or error found.
  "nodes": {
    "": {

      // Inline comment info, enough to render the comment itself (no replies).
      "comment": {

        // Public web link to this comment, if available.
        "url": "",

        // Time this comment was published.
        // Value comes directly from the ActivityPub payload, which is usually ISO-8601.
        "published": "2022-03-11T18:53:24Z",

        // Media attachments included in this comment, if any.
        "attachments": [
            // Mime type of the attachment.
            "mediaType": "image/jpeg", 

            // Width of the attachment image or video, if applicable.
            "width": 1024,

            // Height of the attachment image or video, if applicable.
            "height": 1024,

            // Source url to the attachment image or video.
            "url": ""

        // Content (which may include html) for this comment, broken out by language code.
        // ActivityPub technically supports multiple translations of a single post, though most servers will capture only one in their user interface.
        // A language code of `und` indicates the server did not specify a language.
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment! 🎉🍻🎙</p>"

        // ActivityPub id to the Person (or Service) actor that is responsible for this comment.
        // Look up the full Commenter info using 'commenters', with this value as the index.
        "attributedTo": ""

      // Time when the comment info or error was updated.
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",

      // ActivityPub ids of the direct child replies, once found completely.
      // Use these to lookup the corresponding nodes when recursing down a reply tree.
      // An empty array indicates no child replies were found, `undefined` means they have yet to be fetched, or failed to fetch.
      "replies": [

      // Time when the replies info or error was updated.
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T18:55:58Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",

      // Error encountered when trying to fetch and parse the direct child replies.
      // Either 'replies' or 'repliesError' will be defined, never both.
      "repliesError": "Failed to enumerate replies!",

      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T21:03:52Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T21:18:33Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T22:05:18Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {

      // Error encountered when trying to fetch and parse this comment info.
      // Either 'comment' or 'commentError' will be defined, never both.
      "commentError": "Failed to fetch!",

      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [],
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T22:16:01Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "en": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "comment": {
        "url": "",
        "published": "2022-03-11T23:51:36.011246Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "content": {
          "und": "<p>Comment!</p>"
        "attributedTo": ""
      "commentAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z",
      "replies": [],
      "repliesAsof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"

  // Information about each Commenter captured so far, keyed by ActivityPub id (e.g the Comment 'attributedTo')
  // Kept here, outside of 'nodes', to minimize data duplication if a reply tree has multiple comments from the same commenter.
  // In general, you can assume that all Comment 'attributedTo' references inside 'nodes' have corresponding referents here. 
  "commenters": {
    "": {
      // Profile icon for the commenter, if any
      "icon": {

        // Source url to the icon image.
        "url": "",

        // Mime type of the icon image, if known.
        "mediaType": "image/jpeg"

      // Display name of the commenter.
      "name": "Alice Doe",

      // Web link to the commenter profile.
      "url": "",

      // Fully-qualified fediverse username, e.g.
      "fqUsername": "",

      // Time this information was last fetched
      "asof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "icon": {
        "url": "",
        "mediaType": "image/png"
      "name": "Bob Doe",
      "url": "",
      "fqUsername": "",
      "asof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "icon": {
        "url": "",
        "mediaType": "image/png"
      "name": "Carlos Doe",
      "url": "",
      "fqUsername": "",
      "asof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "icon": {
        "url": "",
        "mediaType": "image/png"
      "name": "Dan Doe",
      "url": "",
      "fqUsername": "",
      "asof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"
    "": {
      "icon": {
        "url": ""
      "name": "Eve Doe",
      "url": "",
      "fqUsername": "",
      "asof": "2022-03-12T16:52:03.948Z"



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