
0.0.0 • Public • Published


A library for sending requests to Web services and handling JSON responses.

Git installation instructions:

$ git clone
$ cd thaw-http-json-request
$ npm install -g grunt
$ npm install
$ grunt

npm Installation Instructions:

$ npm install [--save] thaw-http-json-request

Note: The command "grunt" runs lint, unit tests, and security tests.


  • get(descriptor = {})

    • Parameter "descriptor":

      • host: The hostname of the Web server to which to send the request. Defaults to 'localhost'.
      • port: The TCP/IP port of the Web server to which to send the request. No default value.
      • path: The path on the Web server to which to send the request. Defaults to '/'.
      • noHttps: Set to true if you wish to send the request via HTTP rather than HTTPS. Defaults to false.
      • headers: Additional key/value pairs to send as part of the HTTP[S] GET request. No default value.
      • verbose: If true, log informational messages via console.log(). Defaults to false.
      • preprocessRawResponseData : A regular expression (with exactly one capture group) or a function that transforms the body of the HTTP[S] response as text, before it is parsed as JSON. If preprocessRawResponseData is a regular expression, then the captured text will be the text that is parsed as JSON in the next stage. No default value.
      • preprocessJsonResponseData(jsonData) : A function that transforms the JSON value after parsing and before it is returned. No default value.
    • Returns: A promise from the npm package "q" :

Sample usage of the npm package:

let httpJsonRequest = require('thaw-http-json-request');
let descriptor = {
	noHttps: true,
	host: '',
	path: '/?callback=showMyIP',
	preprocessRawResponseData: /^showMyIP\(([\s\S]*)\)\;\n$/

	.then(jsonResult => {
		console.error('httpJsonRequest.get() succeeded! Returned JSON data is:\n\n', jsonResult);
	.fail(error => {
		console.error('httpJsonRequest.get() returned an error:\n\n', error);

		if (error.statusCode) {
			console.error('HTTP status code is', error.statusCode, error.statusMessage);


httpJsonRequest.get() succeeded! Returned JSON data is:

{ ip: '' }

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  • tom-weatherhead