Text inverted index generator for node.
- excludes "stop words"
- normalize words with snowball-js
- converts words to lowercase
- excludes words of length less than a specified value - default: 3
- reports word's position within a text file counting excluded ones
- supports section indexing
- splits text with regexp word separator - default: /\W+/
- supports text encoding - default: 'utf8'
- supports multiple languages - currently English (which is default) and Norwegian
via npm:
$ npm install textiijs
Neither options nor section given
var textii = require('textiijs'),
sample_text = "Zero, one and three or five, six, seven... seven...";
var pii = new textii(sample_text);
pii.get(null, function(data) {
With options and section given
// var textii = require('textiijs'),
var textii = require('../index'),
sample_text = "Zero, one and three or five, six, seven... seven...",
options = { "word_separator": /\W+/, "min_word_length": 3, "encoding": "utf8", language: "Norwegian" },
get_options = { "section": "page1" };
var pii = new textii(sample_text, options);
pii.get(get_options, function(data) {
Command line usage
npm install textiijs -g
Then you can either pipe in data or provide a filename
echo "hello world" | textiijs # or textiijs text.txt
$ make test
Coverage report
$ make test-cov