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We have just released a brand new version of Terria — verson 8!

We've put together a list of things we've removed from version 8 and some steps to help you migrate to the new version in our migration guide

Not ready to move to version 8 yet? You can find terriajs version 7 here: https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/tree/terriajs7

This is a basic NodeJS Express server that serves up a (not included) static TerriaJS-based site (such as National Map) with a few additional useful services:

  • /api/v1/proxy: a proxy service which applies CORS headers for data providers that lack them. Add URLs to config.json to enable them.
  • /api/v1/proj4def: a proj4 coordinate reference system lookup service.
  • /api/v1/proxyabledomains: return a JSON of domains the server is willing to proxy for
  • /api/v1/ping: returns 200 OK.
  • /api/v1/share/X-Y (GET): uses prefix X to resolve key Y against some configured JSON storage provider (Gist and AWS S3 implemented)
  • /api/v1/share (POST): stores a piece of JSON with a configured storage provider (Gist implemented)
  • /api/v1/serverconfig: retrieve (safe) information about how the server is configured.
  • All other requests are served from the wwwroot directory you provide on the command line, which defaults to ./wwwroot
  • If files [wwwroot]/404.html and/or [wwwroot]/500.html exist, they will be served for those HTTP error codes.
  • Supports very simple authentication via a single username/password included in requests using HTTP basic authentication.
  • Proxied services that require HTTP authentication can be proxied by adding credentials to a proxyauth.json file.
  • It can be run in HTTPS mode, although there are better ways of doing that in production.

Generally, you don't want to manually install TerriaJS-Server. It comes installed with TerriaMap (see below).

Stand-alone installation (without serving TerriaMap)


  1. git clone https://github.com/terriajs/terriajs-server
  2. cd terriajs-server
  3. npm install


Copy serverconfig.json.example to serverconfig.json and configure as needed. See comments inside that file. (Comments are allowed; see json5.org).

If you want to proxy authenticated layers, do the same for proxyauth.json.example.


  1. npm start -- [options] [path/to/wwwroot]
terriajs-server.js [options] [path/to/wwwroot]

  --help, -h     Show this help.                                       [boolean]
  --version      Show version number                                   [boolean]
  --port         Port to listen on.                [default: 3001]      [number]
  --public       Run a public server that listens on all interfaces.
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --config-file  File containing settings such as allowed domains to proxy. See
  --proxy-auth   File containing auth information for proxied domains. See
  --verbose      Produce more output and logging.     [boolean] [default: false]

For example, to run with port 3009:

npm start -- --port 3009

To run the server in the foreground, you can do this:

node . [arguments as above]


  1. Run npm test

Installation with TerriaMap

Just install TerriaMap. TerriaJS-Server is installed to node_modules/terriajs-server, and you can run it manually as node_modules/terriajs-server ./wwwroot.



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  • kring
  • terria
  • steve9164
  • nf-s