Easy module/file distribution tool for any project
The only thing needed is Node.js to be installed in your system.
Installing tempit is easy, just run the following command
npm install tempit -g
View Help
tempit help
Command specific help
tempit help cp
tempit -v
Start Tempit Server For Sharing
tempit start
File listing
tempit ls localhost directory_name
You can use the ip address of tempit server instead of localhost. If directory_name is not specified, current directory of tempit server is assumed.
Copy files or directories
tempit cp localhost file1 file2
here path can be filename or directory(relative to the current directory of tempit server)
Copy all except specified files or directories
tempit cp localhost -e file1 file2
wildcards can be used like
tempit cp localhost -e file1 folder1/file2 folder2*
Initialize directory (for module sharing)
This will create a .tempit file in the current directory. The tempit file is basically a JSON file.
tempit init
Add Module
tempit add module_name file1 file2 folder1 folder2
Fetch Module From A Tempit Server
To fetch from localhost,
tempit fetch localhost module_name
To fetch all modules, just run
tempit fetch localhost
Note: While fetching, .git folder in current directory and all entries in .gitignore will be ignored