
1.0.10 • Public • Published

Topcoder Submission CLI Tool

CLI tool to create submissions in single/multiple topcoder challanges

How to publish as an npm package to the global repository

  1. Login to your npm account

    npm login
  2. Publish the package to the npm registery

    npm publish

How to use this tool

  1. Install the tool as a global npm dependency

    npm i -g tc-submission
  2. Open the project folder for which you want to create a submission

    • Create a file .topcoderrc
    • Place the file in the root of your project
    • Add the following details
        "challengeIds": [
        "userId": "<Your user ID>",
        "username": "<Your user Name>",
        "password": "<Your account password>"
  3. Run the follwoing command from the root of your project


    You should be able to see the following output

    ⠋ Welcome to tc-submission _______                        _           
    |__   __|                      | |          
       | | ___  _ __   ___ ___   __| | ___ _ __ 
       | |/ _ \| '_ \ / __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
       | | (_) | |_) | (_| (_) | (_| |  __/ |   
       |_|\___/| .__/ \___\___/ \__,_|\___|_|   
            | |                              
    ✔ Submission details recieved
    ✔ User logged in
    ✔ Submission packaged
    ✔ Submission uploaded successfully to challenge 12345678
    ✔ Submission uploaded successfully to challenge 91011121
    ✔ All done

    Demo Video

You are done!

Running Test Cases

Make sure you have created the .topcoderrc file in the root of your project and then run

To run the tests alone, execute the command

npm run test

To run tests with coverage report, execute the command

npm run cov

Package Sidebar


npm i tc-submission

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  • dsyefria