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Library with test tools for systelab-components based applications.

Installing the library

npm install systelab-components-test --save

Working with the repo

git clone
cd systelab-components-test
npm install

Improving and publishing the library

Once you get your improvements merged, you will need an authorised user in order to publish it. Having the new version updated in the package.json file, you'll neeed to execute the following commands:

npm login 
# Here you will enter your credentials
npm publish

Using the library

Create your Page Object

For every page object create a new class by extending BasePage. Call the super constructor with the selector as a parameter.

export class MainPage extends BasePage {

	constructor() {

In the Page Object, create methods to access the different widgets that can be directly found in the page. Some available widgets are: Button, ComboBox, ContextMenu, Datepicker, Grid, Icon, InputField, Label, MesssagePopup, Popup, Dialog, Tab, Tabs

For example:

	public getAllergyGrid(): Grid {
		return new Grid(this.current.element('AllergyTable')));

Use the appropriate locator in order to get the right ElementFinder.

Dialogs are considered widgets an not page objects, therefore, for each one, you will have to create a class extending Dialog and in that class create methods to access the different widgets that can be directly found in the dialog.

For example:

	public getAllergyDetailDialog(): AllergyDetailDialog {
		return new AllergyDetailDialog(element(by.tagName('allergy-dialog')));

And the class implementing the dialog will be something like:

export class AllergyDetailDialog extends Dialog {

	public getEnableSwitch() {
		return this.byId('AllergyEnableSwitch').element(by.tagname('input'));

Create your Test spec

In your spec files, use the needed page objects and access to the widgets through the methods defined. Interact with the widgets with the methods provided by the library.

For example:

it(`Should be able to do something`, async () => {
        const patientMaintenanceDialog = await mainPage.getPatientMaintenanceDialog();
		await patientMaintenanceDialog.getButtonAdd().click();
		const patientDialog = await patientMaintenanceDialog.getPatientDialog();
		await patientDialog.getTabs().selectTab(1);


In order to document test cases we suggest to use Allure.

With allure the test cases will look like the following example:

await allure.createStep(`Action: Set a valid username and password`, async () => {
			await LoginActionService.login(loginPage);

If documentation for an expectatio is needed, use the convenient function called because, that can be combined with the normal expect function to avoid the need of an inner function for Allure.

Using the function, the test case will look like the above example.

	await because('The logged user is Administrator').expect(await mainPage.getFullUsernameField().getText()).toEqual('Administrator');

For more information, please read the documentation at Allure reporter


Included in the library, there is a decorator and a method that can be used in order to simplify common checks on the widgets.

The idea is to annotate the methods that get specific widgets to test with the @TestAttribute decorator

	@TestAttribute({type: AttributeType.Text, visible: true, enable: true, mandatory: true, length: 20, name: 'name'})
	public getNameInput(): InputField {
		return new InputField(this.byId('PatientNameInput'));

Once you have all the widgets to test with the proper decorator, in your test you can check the attributes with the method check in the service TestAttributesService:

	public static async check(dialog: Widget | BasePage) {

For example:

	it(`Check patient dialog`, async () => {
		await patientMaintenanceDialog.getButtonAdd().click();
		await TestAttributesService.check(patientDialog)
		await patientDialog.getButtonClose().click();

Useful Links

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npm i systelab-components-test

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  • systelab-technologies