Modify SVG by JSON.
Svg-modify helps you to resize SVG-images, colorize them and make a number of variations of one file.
It may be useful if you need to prepare SVG images for convertation to PNG.
Getting Started
npm install svg-modify --save-dev
This'll change SVG without renaming:
var folderOptions = "arrow-up": // <--- name of file "width": "187" "home": // <--- name of file "height": "42" ; var changesParams = "inputFolder": "sources/" // <--- folder with source files "outputFolder": "result/" // <--- place for changed files "folderOptions": folderOptions; modify;
If you need to colorize transparent SVG, add defaultColor
var changesParams = "inputFolder": "sources/" "outputFolder": "result/" "folderOptions": folderOptions "defaultColor": "hotpink" // <--- color;
This'll change SVG without renaming too.
If you need not colorize though there are colors in the config, use this:
var changesParams = "inputFolder": "sources/" "outputFolder": "result/" "folderOptions": folderOptions "colorize": false;
It's useful for resizing SVG without coloring it.
Creating modifications of one file
Set list of variations:
var folderOptions = "arrow-up": "width": "50" "color": "green" "width": "150" "color": "steelblue" "home": "width": "150" "width": "170" "color": "teal" "height": "62" "color": "yellowgreen" ;
This'll create a number of variations with names like these:
Release History
0.0.10 — Add global colorize option. Use svgmodify.colorize = false;
to switch colorize off.
0.0.9 - Add cleaning of SVG content. Comments, title, desc, Sketch attributes and ID will be removed from symbols.
0.0.8 - Fix modifications created with hex colors
0.0.6 - Add ability to use colorize: false
if images needn't be colorized though colors in config are exist
0.0.5 - Now fill color correctly overrides with color from config
0.0.4 - Add ability colorize without additional configs