A library of intersection algorithms covering all SVG shape types.
Possible to intersect rotated/scaled/skewed shapes.
npm install svg-intersections
This module exports two functions:
The intersect
function takes two shapes as an input an returns an result
object providing a result status, and all intersection points of the two shapes.
intersect (shape1, shape2)
The shape
function wraps the necessary input parameters for each of
the two shapes. It requires the SVG element name of the shape as a string
and an object of the SVG element's attributes.
shape (svgElementName, svgAttributes)
Usage example
Example 1:
var svgIntersections = ; var intersect = svgIntersectionsintersect; var shape = svgIntersectionsshape; var intersections = ;
The implementation is based on the intersection procedures by Kevin Lindsey ( with contributions by Robert Benko (