Tool for working with svg filters
See for examples
var d3 = require('d3');
var SvgFilter = require('svg-filter');
var filter = new SvgFilter();
.attr('stdDeviation', 50);
var size = 200;'body')
.attr('width', size)
.attr('height', size)
.attr('width', size)
.attr('height', size)
.attr('fill', 'blue')
.attr('filter', filter);
filter primitives
The following are shorthand for the full element names. The links go to mozillas docs which do well to cover all inputs available to each filter type.
API usage
1. Create a new filter
var SVGFilter = require('svg-filter');
var filter = new SVGFilter();
2. Add effects to the filter
// appends a blur effect
// sets a parameter on the
// blur effect. see links
// above for more info on
// available attributes
.attr('stdDeviation', 5);
3. Attach the filter to a d3 selection
d3selection.attr('filter', filter);
Chain two effects together
var filter = new SVGFilter();
// send the output of blur
// to the input of offset.
.attr('dx', 10)
.attr('dx', 10);
Merge separate effects
var filter = new SvgFilter();
var makeColoredFilter = function(color, dx, dy) {
return filter
.attr('color', color)
.attr('opacity', 0.5)
// the `to` command creates a
// new 'composite' effect and
// automatically sends the output
// of the flood effect to the input
// of composite.
.attr('operator', 'in')
.in2('SourceAlpha') // shorthand for attr('in2', 'SourceAlpha')
// again, this automatically wires the
// output of composite to the input of a new
// 'offset' effect
.attr('dx', dx)
.attr('dy', dy);
var red = makeColoredFilter('#ff0000', 0, -12);
var green = makeColoredFilter('#00ff00', 0, -6);
var yellow = makeColoredFilter('#ffff00', 0, 0);
var blue = makeColoredFilter('#0000ff', 0, 6);
.merge(red, green, yellow, blue);