TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.12 • Public • Published



  1. Ensure you have node installed on your OS (v19 and above - recommended)
  2. Navigate to the app where you would like to use the component and run the following in your terminal
npm install svelte-password-component --save

How to use the component

  1. Inside the script tag of your .svelte file
import { Password } from 'svelte-password-component'
  1. Inside an HTML element use the imported Password component like so
<Password bind:password bind:validated bind:validate {showValidations} {showIcon} {showHideToggle} {placeholder} {suggestPassword} on:passwordCheck={handlePasswordEvent}/>

Props, handlers and bindings

  1. {placeholder} Optional, Placeholder String in the password input field
  2. {showValidations} Optional, Boolean to display build in validation checkers
  3. {showIcon} Optional, Boolean to display the icon on the left of the input field
  4. {showHideToggle} Optional, Boolean to display the toggle icon on the right of the input field in order to display the password as text inside the input field
  5. {suggestPassword} Optional, Boolean to suggest a password that will pass the validations
  6. bind:password Optional, String to bind to the password
  7. bind:validated Optional, Boolean to bind to to check if all validations have passed
  8. bind:validate Optional, Object specifying what to validate against, defaulting to
  length: { min: 12 }, // A total of 12 character in length
  uppercase: { min: 1 }, // At least 1 Uppercase letter
  lowercase: { min: 1 }, // At lease 1 Lowercase letter
  numbers: { min: 1 }, // At lease 1 Number
  special: { min: 1 } // At least 1 Special character (@#$%~`!^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?)
  1. on:passwordCheck={handlePasswordEvent} Optional, Dispatch handler from the component that returns an Object containing the following
    password: "", // The typed password value as string
    validate: {}, // The individual validations
    validated: boolean // If the password string fulfill all validations



    import { Password } from "svelte-password-component";
    let password = "";
    let placeholder = "Password";
    let validated = false;
    let validate = {
        length: { min: 12 },
        uppercase: { min: 4 },
        lowercase: { min: 2 },
        numbers: { min: 3 },
        special: { min: 1 }
    let showValidations = true;
    let showIcon = true;
    let showHideToggle = true;
    let suggestPassword = true;

    function handlePasswordEvent(e) {
                password: "",
                validate: {},
                validated: boolean


<Password bind:password bind:validated bind:validate {showValidations} {showIcon} {showHideToggle} {placeholder} {suggestPassword} on:passwordCheck={handlePasswordEvent}/>
<p>Password: {password}</p>
<p>Validated: {validated}</p>
<p>Validate: {JSON.stringify(validate,null,2)}</p>


Can be set with variables associated with every element


Feedback and recommendations

Please send me feedback or recommendations for improvements at I would love to here from you. Donations are welcome but not necessary.




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  • mfrossouw