Svelte image magnifier component
- Simple and customizable
- Supports touch screens
- Allows different files for large image and magnifying glass (e.g. thumbnail and high-resolution image)
Install the package using NPM:
npm i -D svelte-magnifier
Add the component to your Svelte application:
import { Magnifier } from 'svelte-magnifier';
<Magnifier src="path/to/image.jpg" width="500px" />
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
src (required) |
String | – | URL/path of the large image |
alt (required) |
String | – | alt attribute of image |
height |
String | 'auto' |
Image height (absolute or relative values possible) |
width |
String | '100%' |
Image width (absolute or relative values possible) |
className |
String | '' |
Class which will be applied to the image wrapper |
zoomImgSrc |
String | – | URL/path of the image inside the magnifying glass (if not specified, the large image will be used) |
zoomFactor |
Number | 1.5 |
Factor by which the zoom image will be scaled (based on the size of the large image) |
mgWidth |
Number | 150 |
Width of the magnifying glass in px |
mgHeight |
Number | 150 |
Height of the magnifying glass in px |
mgBorderWidth |
Number | 2 |
Border width of the magnifying glass in px |
mgShape |
String | 'circle' |
Shape of the magnifying glass (possible values: 'circle' , 'square' ) |
mgShowOverflow |
Boolean | true |
Set this to false to cut off the magnifying glass at the image borders. When disabling mgShowOverflow , it's recommended that you also set all offsets to 0
mgMouseOffsetX |
Number | 0 |
Horizontal offset of the magnifying glass in px when hovering with a mouse |
mgMouseOffsetY |
Number | 0 |
Vertical offset of the magnifying glass in px when hovering with a mouse |
mgTouchOffsetX |
Number | -50 |
Horizontal offset of the magnifying glass in px when dragging on a touch screen |
mgTouchOffsetY |
Number | -50 |
Vertical offset of the magnifying glass in px when dragging on a touch screen |
Any other props will be passed down to the <img>
Custom styling
:global(.magnifier) {
/* Styles for <div> around image and magnifying glass */
:global(.magnifier-image) {
/* Styles for large image */
:global(.magnifying-glass) {
/* Styles for magnifying glass */
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with pnpm install
, start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open