
1.0.11 • Public • Published


Exposes operations supported by StudentVerification RESTful API. Operations are grouped in the following classes: isirs documents requirements


Kind: inner class of sv-api

new isirs()

Represents functions associated with ISIR files

isirs.upload(rootUrl, authorization, awardYear, content) ⇒ function

upload a file as application/octet-stream content

Kind: static method of isirs
Returns: function - A promise. Any response whose status code is not 2xx will result in a rejected promise.

Param Type Description
rootUrl string url of awardletter API
authorization string header value
awardYear string Award/aid year in [YYYY]-[YYYY] format; ex. 2015-2016
content object JSON content to be uploaded

isirs.getCorrections(rootUrl, authorization, startDate, endDate, targetPath) ⇒ function

Get batched ISIR corrections for a given start date and end date

Kind: static method of isirs
Returns: function - A promise. The promise will resolve with an array of objects containing the metadata associated with 0 or more ISIR correction files. Each array element is an object with the following properties: ' { name: 'file name', type: 'file type', content: file_content } If a targetPath is not provided, the content property will be a memorystream object contain the contents of the file (refer to Any response with a status code that is not 2xx will result in a rejected promise.

Param Type Description
rootUrl string url of awardletter API
authorization string header value
startDate string A start date in MM-DD-YYYY format
endDate string An end date in MM-DD-YYYY format
targetPath string An optional target path in which files will be written


Kind: inner class of sv-api

new documents()

Represents functions associated with student documents

documents.getMetadata(rootUrl, authorization, documentId) ⇒ function

Get student document metadata.

Kind: static method of documents
Returns: function - A promise. The promise will resolve with the metadata in JSON string format. Any response with a status code that is not 2xx will result in a rejected promise.

Param Type Description
rootUrl string url of awardletter API
authorization string header value
documentId string The unique Id of the student document

documents.getFiles(rootUrl, authorization, documentId, targetPath) ⇒ function

[getFiles description]

Kind: static method of documents
Returns: function - A promise. Any response with a status code that is not 2xx will result in a rejected promise.

Param Type
rootUrl string
authorization string
documentId string
targetPath string

documents.get() ⇒ function

Get student document metadata and associated file(s).

Kind: static method of documents
Returns: function - A promise. The promise resolves to an array of results. The first element will contain the metadata while the second element will contain the file(s). Any response with a status code that is not 2xx will result in a rejected promise.


Kind: inner class of sv-api

new requirements()

Represents functions associated with student requirements/tasks

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  • john.manaloto