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0.3.0 • Public • Published



A React hook for effortlessly handling clipboard operations (copy and paste) with additional features like operation callbacks, clipboard history management, optional persistence of the clipboard history using local storage, and global clipboard event listeners.


  • Clipboard History: Maintain a session-based history of copied items for easy access and manipulation.
  • Notifications: Customizable notifications for successful or failed clipboard operations.
  • Customizable: Offers configuration options for callbacks, history limits, and more.
  • Security and Privacy: Ensures secure and privacy-compliant access to the clipboard.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Works consistently across different browsers with fallbacks for unsupported cases.
  • Clipboard Event Listeners: Implement hooks that listen to clipboard events (copy, cut, and paste) globally within the app, allowing for automated reactions to these events. The useSupaclipboardGlobalListener hook provides an easy way to subscribe to these global events and perform custom actions.


# npm
npm install supaclipboard

# pnpm
pnpm add supaclipboard

# yarn:
yarn add supaclipboard


Here's a quick example to get you started:

import React from "react";
import { useSupaclipboard, useSupaclipboardGlobalListener } from "supaclipboard";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const inputRef = useRef < HTMLInputElement > null;

  const { copy, history, paste } = useSupaclipboard({
    historyLimit: 8,
    onCopyError: () => {
      console.log("Error copying");
    onCopySuccess: () => {
      console.log("Copy successful");
    onPasteError: () => {
      console.log("Error pasting");
    onPasteSuccess: () => {
      console.log("Paste successful");
    persist: true,

  const handlePaste = async () => {
    if (!inputRef.current) return;
    const valueFromClipboard = await paste();
    inputRef.current.value = valueFromClipboard ?? "";

  return (
    <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: "40px" }}>
        <h1>📋 supaclipboard</h1>

        <h2>Copy examples</h2>
        <ul style={{ display: "inline-flex", gap: "20px" }}>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Green")}>Green</button>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Blue")}>Blue</button>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Orange")}>Orange</button>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Red")}>Red</button>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Yellow")}>Yellow</button>
            <button onClick={() => copy("Purple")}>Purple</button>

        <h2>Paste from clipboard</h2>
        <div style={{ display: "inline-flex", gap: "20px" }}>
          <button onClick={handlePaste}>Paste</button>
          <input ref={inputRef} />

          History{" "}
          <small style={{ fontSize: "12px" }}>
            (first item is the last copied value)
          {, i) => (
            <li key={`${item}_${i}`}>{item}</li>

const App() {
  // Using the global listener hook
    onCopy: (event) => {
      console.log("Copied text: ", event.clipboardData.getData("text"));
    onCut: (event) => {
      console.log("Cut text: ", event.clipboardData.getData("text"));
    onPaste: (event) => {
      console.log("Paste event triggered");

  return (
    <MyComponent />

API Reference


Initializes the clipboard hook with optional configurations.


  • onCopySuccess: Callback function that triggers on a successful copy.
  • onCopyError: Callback function that triggers on a failed copy.
  • onPasteSuccess: Callback function that triggers on a successful paste.
  • onPasteError: Callback function that triggers on a failed paste.
  • historyLimit: Limits the number of items in the clipboard history.
  • persist: Determines whether to persist history to local storage


  • copy: Function to copy content to the clipboard.
  • paste: Function to read content from the clipboard.
  • history: An array of copied items during the session.

useSupaclipboardGlobalListener(options?: UseSupaclipboardGlobalListenerProps)

A React hook designed for setting up global listeners for clipboard events within your application. This hook simplifies the process of reacting to copy, cut, and paste events, allowing you to perform custom actions based on these events.


  • options: An optional object containing callbacks for the clipboard events.
    • onCopy: A callback function that is invoked when a copy event occurs. It receives the native ClipboardEvent as its parameter.
    • onCut: A callback function that is triggered when a cut event occurs. It also receives the native ClipboardEvent as its parameter.
    • onPaste: A callback function that is called when a paste event takes place. This function is provided with the native ClipboardEvent as its argument.

Each callback is optional, so you can choose to listen to only the events you are interested in.

Support & Contributing

If you need help or have any questions about supaclipboard, please don't hesitate to open an issue in the GitHub repository. I'm always here to help and would love to hear your feedback. If you're interested in contributing to the library, whether it's by reporting bugs, suggesting features, or submitting improvements, your contributions are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Thank you for using and supporting supaclipboard!


Short-term Enhancements

  1. Multi-Format Clipboard Support: Extend functionality to support not just text, but images, HTML, and custom data types, offering a more versatile clipboard interaction experience.

  2. History Management Features: Introduce capabilities to edit, remove, or even tag specific items within the clipboard history. This would allow users to manage their clipboard history more effectively.

Mid-term Enhancements

  1. Synchronization Across Tabs: Develop features for synchronizing clipboard history across multiple browser tabs or windows, using local storage, IndexedDB, or broadcast channels.

  2. Security Enhancements: Offer security features like sanitization for copied content to prevent XSS attacks when pasting content from or into the web application.

  3. Custom Clipboard Implementation: For applications that need a custom clipboard experience, provide the tools needed to implement a user-defined clipboard that can interact with the system clipboard.

Long-term Enhancements

  1. Plugin System: Establish a plugin system allowing developers to extend the library with custom functionalities, such as integrating with third-party APIs (e.g., saving clipboard items to cloud services).

  2. Advanced Clipboard Formatting: Add support for preserving formatting when copying text (e.g., rich text formatting, markdown) or converting formats on the fly.

  3. Accessibility Improvements: Enhance clipboard operations with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all functionalities are fully accessible through keyboard shortcuts and screen readers.

  4. Cross-Platform Clipboard Management: Explore the possibility of extending useSupaclipboard's capabilities to manage clipboard content across different devices, using cloud synchronization.




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  • rubenglez