Sunpack: like snowpack but far worse.
Sunpack converts or moves your npm dependencies from the node_modules directory to a directory you specify to make them usable in the browser.
Sunpacks works the following way:
- If your npm dependency is an es6 module, it copies the .js files from its node_modules folder to the output folder you specify. It can also compress the output using terser.
- If your npm dependency is a common js module, it uses browserify to convert it for use in the browser and outputs it to the folder specified. It can also compress the output using tinify.
- If your npm dependency comes with a ready made file for use in the browser, it will just copy that to the specified folder.
- Has this been thouroughly tested?
- No!
- When should I use this?
- When you are not using a bundler like wepback, rollup
sunpack [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
-o, --output FILE The folder to output to
-c, --clean Will delete all files in the output folder first (optional)
-z, --optimize Will run the tinyify plugin with browserify, or the
terser plugin if its an es6 module (optional)
-i, --ignore STRING Ignore a comma seperated list of npm modules (optional).
E.g. if you dont want to do anything to the
foo and bar npm dependencies, use --ignore 'foo, bar'
-h, --help Display help and usage details