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Styled system mapper

A library that allows using style functions from styled-sytem with values that map to the keys of theme objects instead of array indices.


In order to use style property space from styled-system with custom values, a space array should be added to theme. Then the array indices could be used as values for space properties on a component:

<Box mt={2} pt={[ 0, 1, 2 ]} mb={{ xs: 1, md: 3 }}/>

However, it can be difficult to get used to indices for values of spacing and challenging to remember the correct values that have to be applied on different breakpoints. Moreover, theme properties are quite often defined as key/values, e.g.:

const spacingUnit = 10

const space = {
  xsmall: spacingUnit,
  small: spacingUnit * 2,
  medium: spacingUnit * 4,
  large: spacingUnit * 6,
  xlarge: spacingUnit * 8,

It might be more intuitive and convenient to define spacing values as an object with key/values and use the actual keys instead of indicies:

<Box mt="small" pt={[ "xsmall", "small", "medium" ]} mb={{ xs: "small", md: "large" }}/>

And that's what the library does. It exposes utility functions that try to map the values for space and width properties passed into the component to the custom keys defined in theme before they reach styled-system. If no mapping exists, the value is passed as is, which means that all kinds of values supported by styled-system can be used.

Typescript support includes autocompletion for the keys in the space object in theme.


Currently supports space and width props that will be mapped to the keys of the space object. The examples below demonstrate usage with Typescript and emotion.

First, create a typed version of styled with a theme that will have a space object and the types for space and width props that will be used as component's props:

import styled, { CreateStyled } from '@emotion/styled'
import { StyledSpaceProps, StyledWidthProps } from 'styled-system-mapper'

const spacingUnit = 10

const space = {
  xsmall: spacingUnit,
  small: spacingUnit * 2,
  medium: spacingUnit * 4,
  large: spacingUnit * 6,
  xlarge: spacingUnit * 8,

const theme = {

export type SpaceProps = StyledSpaceProps<typeof space>
export type WidthProps = StyledWidthProps<typeof space>

export default styled as CreateStyled<typeof theme>

Pass the theme object into ThemeProvider of a CSS-in -JS library that has theming support:

import React from 'react'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming'
import { theme } from '.\styled'

const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>

Create a reusable component that will use the space and width props:

import { BgColorProps, bgColor } from 'styled-system'
import { space, width } from 'styled-system-mapper'

import styled, { SpaceProps, WidthProps } from './styled'

type Props = BgColorProps & SpaceProps & WidthProps

const Box = styled('div')<Props>(
    boxSizing: 'border-box'

export default Box

Any other style props from styled-system can combined together with style and width from styled-system-mapper.

Now the component is ready to be used:

<Box bgColor="#A4A4A4" p={{ xs: "small", sm: "medium", md: "xlarge" }} mb="medium">
  Look at me!


  • mapper for color keys and font sizes,
  • tests, tests, tests...




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  • margaretkrutikova