Strict Events
Yet another EventEmitter
like, with a few gimmicks:
You define a finite set of emittable events, and you make it an Events class
An Events object derives two objects, Emitter and Listener, to separate concerns and do better typechecks
Extensive checks occur within process.env.NODE_ENV='development'
and are ignored within process.env.NODE_ENV='production'
let test; // define a finite events set.// values don't matter, they must only be unique.const EVENTS = A: 'a' B: 'b' C: 'c'; // alternatively you could write// const EVENTS = _.invert(['A', 'B', 'C']); // create a new Events class for this events setconst Events = ; // instanciate a new Events objectconst events = ;// extract a listener and an emitterconst listener emitter = events; // listener and emitter cannot be (mistakenly) overwrittentest = false;try eventslistener = null; catche test = true; testshouldbetrue; test = false;try eventsemitter = null; catche test = true; testshouldbetrue; // typecheck using instanceofeventsshouldbean;listenershouldbean;emittershouldbean; test = false;// bind a handlerlistener;testshouldbefalse;// synchronously trigger events with a params objectemitter;testshouldbetrue; let count = 0;// listener.on returns a referencelet ref = listener;emitter;countshouldbe;// this reference can be used with .off to remove a previously// attached handlerlistener;emitter;countshouldbe; test = false;try // this event is not in the predefined set: it will throw emitter;catche test = true;testshouldbetrue; // clear all handlers referencesevents;test = false;// this won't call the previously bind callbackevents;testshouldbefalse;