Stream utilities with support for stream resets.
- ThroughStream([write], [end], [reset]) - creates a new "through" Streams which readable and writable that acts based on the given write, end, and reset handler functions.
- DuplexStream(writable, readable) - combines a writable stream and a readable stream into a duplexed Stream.
- Pipeline(stream1, stream2, ...) - creates a new Stream that sends data to all of the given Streams.
Here's a simple and somewhat contrived example of how you might use the through stream helper to apply a math operation.
var su = require("stream-utils"),
through = su.ThroughStream;
var inputs = [1, 2, 3],
outputs = [],
doubler = through(function(val){ // on data queue doubled value
this.queue(val * 2);
.on("data", function(val2){ // on data push into outputs
// --> outputs is: [2, 4, 6]
I needed a set of Stream utilities that would make it easier to build and reuse chains of complex Object stream mutators.
Originally I used the event-stream
package but I ran into a few issues with my use cases that drove me to roll my own solution based on what I had learned from that code.
MIT / Apache2