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Cookies Example

  const cookie = {
        steamRefresh_steam:         '',
        steamLoginSecure:           `76561199035699070%7C%7CeyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiIH0.eyAiaXNzIjogInI6MERENl8yM0FCQ0U5Rl80QUEwMyIsICJzdWIiOiAiNzY1NjExOTkwMzU2OTkwNzAiLCAiYXVkIjogWyAid2ViIiBdLCAiZXhwIjogMTcwNDY3MDU1MiwgIm5iZiI6IDE2OTU5NDI4MjIsICJpYXQiOiAxNzA0NTgyODIyLCAianRpIjogIjBERDlfMjNBQkNFQTRfODNCNTkiLCAib2F0IjogMTcwNDU1NjE2MywgInJ0X2V4cCI6IDE3MjI5MzQyNjUsICJwZXIiOiAwLCAiaXBfc3ViamVjdCI6ICIxNjYuMS4yMzAuMjU0IiwgImlwX2NvbmZpcm1lciI6ICIxNjYuMS4yMzAuMjU0IiB9.qtwJQ35SmJrsJSh-CLeUcZdri0r_G_fyimag1Ho6attigdwreJndbpKFkNoyQzbeOjKXEFpPB5h7GUl8Eo5WCA`,
        sessionid:                  '22c0035bf55f53b4b01e4a1a',
        steamCountry:               '',
        steamDataId:                '',
        steamRememberLogin:         'True',
        Steam_Language:             'english',
        steamMachineAuth:           '',
        webTradeEligibility:        '%7B%22allowed%22%3A0%2C%22reason%22%3A16416%2C%22allowed_at_time%22%3A1697620832%2C%22steamguard_required_days%22%3A15%2C%22new_device_cooldown_days%22%3A0%2C%22expiration%22%3A1697016332%2C%22time_checked%22%3A1697016032%7D',
        timezoneOffset:             '10800,0'
    } as Cookie

Credentials Example

  const accountCredentials = new AccountCredentials();
  accountCredentials.login = "Your steam login";
  accountCredentials.password = "Your steam password";
  accountCredentials.shared_secret = "Your steam shared secret";
  accountCredentials.identity_secret = "Your steam identity secret";


Login Service

Login method


  const loginService: LoginService = new LoginService({
		timezone: "Your timezone (by default 7200,0)",
		steamLanguage: "Your steam language"
		'Your proxy string (optional parameter)'
  //This method return cookie, acceesToken, RefreshToken and steam sessionid
const res = await loginService.login(accountCredentials);  

Web Login Service

Login via credentials method

 const credentials = new AccountCredentials();
  credentials.login = "Your steam login";
  credentials.password = "Your steam password";
  credentials.shared_secret = "Your steam shared secret";
  credentials.identity_secret = "Your steam identity secret";
const webLoginService: WebLoginService = new WebLoginService({
		timezone: "Your timezone (by default 7200,0)",
		steamLanguage: "Your steam language (by default 'english')"
		'Your proxy string (optional parameter)'

//This method return cookie, acceesToken, RefreshToken and steam sessionid
const loginResult = await webLoginService.logOnViaCredentials(credentials);


Place buy order method

  const buyOrderService: BuyOrderService = new BuyOrderService(
		cookie, //Your Cookie object
		'Your steam sessionid',
		'Your proxy string (optional parameter)'
  const order: Order = {
			currency: ECurrencyCode.RUB, //Enter your currency from ECurrencyCode enum
			appid: 'ID of the game to which the item belongs (such as 570)',
			market_hash_name: "Your market item name with spaces",
			price_total: 123, //Total of your order in format without comma (1,23 = 123)
			quantity: 1,  // Quantity of items
  const res = await buyOrderService.placeBuyOrder(order);

Get Item Orders

const params = { nameId: "176321160", currency: ECurrencyCode.RUB, appId: 570, itemName: "Doll of the Dead" };
const res = await buyOrderService.getItemOrdersHistory(params);

Cancel Order

const orderId = "6621500342";   //You can find this from getItemOrdersHistory or steam page
const res = await buyOrderService.cancelBuyOrder(orderId);

Get buy order status

const orderId = "6621666187";  //You can find this from getItemOrdersHistory or steam page
const res = await buyOrderService.getBuyOrderStatus(orderId);


Get all confirmations

const confirmationService: ConfirmationService = new ConfirmationService(
			mobileOs: "android",    //Optional
			profileId64: '783758372894', //Your steam id 64
		'Your proxy string (optional parameter)'
const confs: Confirmation[] = await confirmService.getConfirmations();

Respond to one confirmation

const res: boolean = await confirmService.respondToConfirmation(
				confs[0].id,                //Confirmation Id
				confs[0]?.nonce,            //One-time code to use confirmation 
				ConfirmationAction.Accept   //Accept or Decline

Respond to all confirmation

	 const res: boolean = await confirmService.respondToAllConfirmations(ConfirmationAction.Accept);


 let cookieValidationService: CookieValidationService = new CookieValidationService(cookie, 'Your proxy string (optional parameter)');
await cookieValidationService.isCookieHaveValidSession()	//Check cookie valid session


Get all inventory Test

let inventoryService: InventoryService = new InventoryService(cookie, 'Your proxy string (optional parameter)');
const params: GetInventoryParams = {
	appID: Apps.DOTA2,						// Game id (570 fro DOTA2)
	profileId64: "76561199035699070",		//Steam id 64 account you want to view inventory
const inventory: InventoryAssetItem[] = await inventoryService.getAllInventoryAssets(params.profileId64, params.appID);


const storeService: StoreService = new StoreService(cookie, 'Your steam sessionid', 'Your proxy string (optional parameter)');
const res = await storeService.redeemWalletCode("Your wallet code");


Get All Trade offers (sended and received)

	const tradeOfferService: TradeOfferService = new TradeOfferService(
			apiKey: 'Your steam API key',
			sessionId: 'Your steam sessionid',
		'Your proxy string (optional parameter)'
 const offers = await tradeOfferService.getOffers(EOfferFilter.All);

Get concrete offer information

	const offerID = "5489849179";	//You can get this info from getOffers method or watch from steam page
	const trade = await tradeOfferService.getOffer(offerID);

Create simple empty trade offer

const partnerSteamId64 = "76561199111873879"	//Your partner steam id 64		
const tradeUrlToken = "lyqEqgxg"				//You can find this token from partner trade url
const res = await tradeOfferService.createOffer(partnerSteamId64, tradeUrlToken);

Send new trade offer. This example shows how to create a new trade offer, add one item from your inventory and one item from your partner’s inventory to it, and send the offer

	const offer = await createSimpleTradeOffer(tradeOfferService);
	const response = await tradeOfferService.sendOffer(offer);

async function createSimpleTradeOffer(tradeOfferService: TradeOfferService): Promise<TradeOffer> {
	const partnerId = "76561199032664256";
	const tradeOffer = tradeOfferService.createOffer(partnerId, "lyqEqgxg");

	const myItem: InventoryAssetItem | null = await getFirstInventoryItem(TestConfig.steamId.getSteamID64());
	if (myItem) {

	const partnerItem: InventoryAssetItem | null = await getFirstInventoryItem(partnerId);
	if (partnerItem) {

	tradeOffer.message = "This trade offer for you";
	return tradeOffer;
async function getFirstInventoryItem(profileId: string): Promise<InventoryAssetItem | null> {
	const inventoryService = new InventoryService(TestConfig.cookie, undefined);
	const inventoryParams: GetInventoryParams = {
		profileId64: profileId,
		appID: Apps.DOTA2,
		count: 1,
	const inventory: GetInventoryResult | null = await inventoryService.getInventory(inventoryParams);
	if (!inventory?.assets) {
		return null;
	return inventory?.assets[0];

Accept active trade offer

	const offers = await getOffers(tradeOfferService);
	//We finded one active trade offer from your steam account
	const activeOffer = offers?.receivedTradeOffers.find((x) => x.tradeOfferState == ETradeOfferState.Active);
	const res = await tradeOfferService.acceptOffer(activeOffer.tradeOfferId, activeOffer.partnerId64);

Decline trade offer

const offers = await getOffers(tradeOfferService);
const activeOffer = offers?.sendedTradeOffers.find(
	(x) => x.tradeOfferState == ETradeOfferState.Active ||
	x.tradeOfferState == ETradeOfferState.CreatedNeedsConfirmation
const res: boolean = await tradeOfferService.cancelOffer(activeOffer.tradeOfferId);


Get price history example

const historyItem: PriceHistoryItem = {
	currency: ECurrencyCode.GBP,					
	appid: Apps.CSGO,
	itemName: "Antwerp 2022 Legends Sticker Capsule",
	encodedName: "",		//This parameter is optional, is your itemName but url encoded
const priceHistory = await marketService.getPriceHistory(historyItem);

Get Market history by page parameters

const historyPage: MarketHistoryPage = {
		page: 1,
		cntPerPage: 100,
const marketHistory = await marketService.getMarketHistory(historyPage);

Get item info by game id and item name

const itemInfo = await marketService.getItemInfo(Apps.DOTA2, "Helm of Retribution");

Get my listings

  const params = {
			currentPage: 1,
			cntPerPage: 100,
			currency: ECurrencyCode.RUB,
  const page = await marketService.getMyListings(params);

Get market listing by page

const params: ExtendedListingsPage = {
		marketItemName: "Mega-Kills: Cave Johnson",
		currency: ECurrencyCode.USD,
		cntPerPage: 100,	//Quantity elements on one page
		currentPage: 5,		//Current page number
		appId: 570,
const page = await marketService.getMarketListings(params);

Sell item

	const appId = Apps.DOTA2;
	const params: SellParams = {
		amount: 1,														//Quantity items
		contextid: ContextManager.getContextId(appId),					//Get information about your game id context (such as for 570 is context = 2)
		appid: appId,
		assetid: "28377029318",											//You can find assetid from getMarketListing method
		price: 100,														//price fro item without comma (100 = 1,00)
	const res = await marketService.sell(params, '76561199032664256');	//Enter your steamId64

Buy item example

	const marketItemInfo: MarketItemInfo = {
		marketItemName: "Summer's Mirth",
		appId: 570
	const listingId = "4376994758654887310";	//you can find this listing id from getMarketListing method or steam market item page
	const buyParams: BuyParams = {
		subtotal: 84,					//	price of the item itself
		fee: 12,						// 	steam commission for purchase
		total: 96,						// 	Your full price with fee+subtotal
		currency: ECurrencyCode.RUB,	//	Currency
		save_my_address: 0,				//	Is optional parameter for steam
		quantity: 1,
	const res = await,listingId,marketItemInfo);

Remove item example

	const listingId: string = "7231148125631140232";
	const res: boolean = await marketService.removeListing(listingid);




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  • kyrylchenko