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1.1.161 • Public • Published


stealth-defi-swap is a TypeScript library for getting the swaps from the Paraswap API in order to interact with a vault.


Using npm:

npm i stealth-defi-swap

Using yarn:

yarn add stealth-defi-swap


import { sdswap } from "stealth-defi-swap";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";

const opti: sdswap.Interfaces.SwapOptimisation = {
  slippage: "10000",
  maxImpact: "10000",

const swapConfig: sdswap.Interfaces.SwapConfig = {
  networkID: 56,
  signerAddress: "0x4b16c5de96eb2117bbe5fd171e4d203624b014aa",
  recipientAddress: "0x4b16c5de96eb2117bbe5fd171e4d203624b014aa",

const swapDeposit: sdswap.Interfaces.SwapDeposit = {
  amountIn: BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(1000),
  baseToken: "0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56",
  baseTokenDecimals: 18,
  tokensDecimals: [18, 18],
  tokensAddresses: [
  optimisation: opti,
  positions: [BigNumber.from(5000), BigNumber.from(5000)],

/// Getting the swaps for a deposit
const swaps = await sdswap.Actions.deposit(swapDeposit, swapConfig);


The list of all interfaces needed to interact with the functions. They are accessible from the following command : sdswap.Interfaces.

SwapConfig {
    networkID: number; // chainID
    signerAddress: string; // The address who execute the swap (in every case it's the vault for now)
    recipientAddress: string; // The beneficiary of the swap (in every case it's the vault for now)

/// We don't use a JSON RPC Provider in this package, so we cannot know ERC20 decimals
/// So we need to pass them as an arguments
SwapDeposit {
    baseToken: string; /// Equivalent to tokenFrom because we swap from baseToken to vault assets
    baseTokenDecimals: number; //
    amountIn: BigNumber; /// Amount of token at tokenFrom
    tokensAddresses: string[]; /// Self-explanatory
    tokensDecimals: number[]; /// Self-explanatory
    optimisation: SwapOptimisation; /// See SwapOptimisation
    positions: BigNumber[]; /// Current positons of the vault returned via getVaultStatus[0] (fetch it before submitting the swap)

SwapRedeem {
    shareAmount: BigNumber; /// Share redeemed
    shareSupply: BigNumber; /// Share global supply
    baseToken: string; /// Equivalent to tokenTo because we swap to baseToken and then send the remain part to user
    baseTokenDecimals: number; /// Self-explanatory
    tokensAddresses: string[]; /// Addresses of the vault tokens
    tokensDecimals: number[]; /// Array of decimals for vault token (in the good order always !)
    tokensBalances: BigNumber[]; /// Balance of the vault for each token (of course, including the baseToken)
    optimisation: SwapOptimisation; /// See SwapOptimisation

SwapRebalance {
    tokensAddresses: string[]; /// See above
    tokensBalances: BigNumber[]; /// See above
    tokensDecimals: number[]; /// See above
    positions: BigNumber[]; /// Vault current positions (from getVaultStatus[0])
    desiredPositions: BigNumber[]; /// Desired positions
    vaultValueUSD: BigNumber; /// Vault USD value (from getVaultStatus[1])
    optimisation: SwapOptimisation; /// See SwapOptimisation

/// If the swap tx reverts, try a higher slippage or price impact
/// Verify the deepth of liquidity on the swap
SwapOptimisation {
    slippage: string; /// default: 1000 so 10% in Basis Point (<10,000) : Amount of losses tolerated due to slippage
    maxImpact: string; /// default: 1000 so 10% in Basis Point (<10,000) : Amount of losses tolerated due to price impact


The list of all functions needed to interact with the Paraswap API. They are accessible from the following command : sdswap.Actions.

  • sdswap.Actions.Deposit(swapDeposit, swapConfig)
  • sdswap.Actions.Redeem(swapRedeem, swapConfig)
  • sdswap.Actions.rebalanceByMinDebitPriority(SwapRebalance, Swapconfig)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.






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