
1.2.1-beta • Public • Published

Admin Blue Look and Feel Theme

Admin Blue Look and Feel Theme presents simple and clean theme which can be used in many Starticket backend internal projects. The theme contains already predefined Layouts, Menus, Forms, Form controls, List, Dialog etc. with appropriate colors scheme which fits with Starticket brand colors as well.

Table of Contents


npm install starticket-admin-theme

After npm installation is finished you have to include those links (or some other font you opt for) in index.html.

google fonts

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

bootstrap css

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">

After that, in main index.js file you have to put this code (<App/> component should be replaced with appropriate component related to your project).

import React                 from 'react';
import ReactDOM              from 'react-dom';
import {BrowserRouter}       from 'react-router-dom';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
import App                   from './App';
ReactDOM.render(<BrowserRouter><App/></BrowserRouter>, document.getElementById('root'));

Example usage

Now, when you have all prerequsities set, next you need to create a wrapper component which will house our Layout (in the future you will use that wrapper component as your layout component). It should be located in separate folder, for example components folder. This component won't just be a wrapper to our Layout component but it will hold all props need to be passed to Layout component.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Layout }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
import '../../node_modules/starticket-react-admin-theme/style.css';
 * @class src/components/LayoutWrapper
class LayoutWrapper extends Component
    state = {
        selectedId : '10',
        section : 'show',
        selectedMenuItem : 'Show Management',
        name : 'New Show',
        topNavigationMenuItems : {
            'Dashboard' : {
                'href' : '/',
                'icon' : {
                    'path' : './images/home.svg',
                    'alt' : 'Home'
                'dropdown' : null
        sidebarNavigationMenuItems : {
            'Show Management' : {
                'items' : {
                    'Shows' : {
                        'href' : '/shows',
                        'number' : 10
                    'Devices' : {
                        'href' : '/devices',
                        'number' : 50
                    'Actions' : {
                        'href' : '/actions',
                        'number' : 5
     * Logs out user.
    logout = () =>
        // Logout functionality
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Layout topNavigationMenuItems={this.state.topNavigationMenuItems}
                          section={this.state.section} name={}
export default LayoutWrapper;

After that, next thing you need to do, is to make a route wrapper which will be used to render certain scene with certain layout for certain path. It should be located in your main application component (in this example it is <App/> component) and it will be just a simple component like it is shown bellow.


import { Route }           from 'react-router-dom';
 * Route wrapper.
 * @param {XML} Component 
 * @param {XML} Layout 
 * @param {Object} rest 
 * @returns {XML} 
const RouteWrapper = ({ component: Component, layout: Layout, }) => (
    <Route {} render={props => (
            <Component {...props} />
    )} />

Next, everything you have to do is to use this RouteWrapper component, inside your render method, and pass to it path, layout (the layout wrapper you created few steps ago) and scene you want to render.


import { Switch }           from 'react-router-dom';
import { LayoutWrapper }    from './components';
import { HomeScene }        from './scenes/Home';
 * @returns {XML} 
render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
              <RouteWrapper path='/' exact component={HomeScene} layout={LayoutWrapper} />

Here you may see the example of HomeScene component with registration form:


import { SceneTitle,
         Button }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @returns {XML} 
    return (
            <SceneTitle text="Home Scene"/>
            <Panel title="Registration Form">
                    <Input label="First name" name="first-name" getValue={this.getFirstNameValue} />
                    <Input label="Last name" name="last-name" getValue={this.getLastNameValue} />
                    <Email label="Email" name="email" getValue={this.getEmailValue} />
                <Button onClickHandler={this.submitForm}>Submit form</Theme.Button>

Components API


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Layout }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        selectedId : '10',
        section : 'show',
        selectedMenuItem : 'Show Management',
        name : 'New Show',
        topNavigationMenuItems : {
            'Dashboard' : {
                'href' : '/',
                'icon' : {
                    'path' : './images/home.svg',
                    'alt' : 'Home'
                'dropdown' : null
        sidebarNavigationMenuItems : {
            'Show Management' : {
                'items' : {
                    'Shows' : {
                        'href' : '/shows',
                        'number' : 10
                    'Devices' : {
                        'href' : '/devices',
                        'number' : 50
                    'Actions' : {
                        'href' : '/actions',
                        'number' : 5
     * Logs out user.
    logout = () =>
        // Logout functionality
     * Return user one step backward.
    goBack = () =>
        // Go back functionality
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Layout  topNavigationMenuItems={this.state.topNavigationMenuItems}
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
topNavigationMenuItems object true Items for top (header) navigation.
sidebarNavigationMenuItems object true Items for sidebar navigation.
selectedMenuItem string true Selected menu item from previous page, for example Show Management, Device Management...
section string true Represent admin area (section) for example show, venue, device...
name string true Name of selected show, venue, event...
id string true Id of selected show, venue, event...
withoutSidebar false Renders layout without sidebar.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
logoutFunction function true Handles logout functionallity.
goBack function true Handles returning user one step backward.


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { LayoutDashboard }  from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
            topNavigationMenuItems : {
                'Dashboard' : {
                    'href' : '/',
                    'icon' : {
                        'path' : './images/home.svg',
                        'alt' : 'Home'
                    'dropdown' : null
            dashboardMenuItems : {
                'Action Management' : {
                    'href' : '/dashboard/actions'
            path : '/dashboard/actions'
     * Logs out user.
    logout = () =>
        // Logout functionality
     * Change tab handler.
    changeTab = (tab) =>
            path : tab
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Theme.LayoutDashboard  topNavigationMenuItems={this.state.topNavigationMenuItems}
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
topNavigationMenuItems object true Items for top (header) navigation.
dashboardMenuItems object true Items for dashboard navigation (tabs).
withoutSidebar true Removes blue background color from header hamburger menu.
path string true Path for the default selected tab.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
logoutFunction function true Handles logout functionallity.
changeTabHandler function true Handles tab changing functionallity.


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Panel }            from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Panel title="Home Scene" colorize>
                {/*Panel content*/}
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
title string true Title shows at panel header.
className string false '' By adding one of <edit / remove / up / down>.
colorize bool false This options mark panel header with gray background.
layersIcon bool false Shows icons at left side of panel header.
draggable bool false Allow panel to be dragged.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
removeHandler function conditional Required if panel has class remove.
editHandler function conditional Required if panel has class edit.
directionDownHandler function conditional Required if panel has class down.
directionUpHandler function conditional Required if panel has class up.



Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Button }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Handles button click.
    buttonClick = () => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Button onClickHandler={this.buttonClick}>Click me!</Button>
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
size ButtonSizeMedium, ButtonSizeSmall, ButtonSizeTiny, ButtonEmptyAttribute, ButtonSizeLarge false medium Button size.
type ButtonTypeSocial, ButtonTypeGhost, ButtonEmptyAttribute, ButtonTypeCancel false '' Button type.
status ButtonStatusDisabled, ButtonEmptyAttribute false '' Button status.
className string false '' Additional button classes.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
onClickHandler function false Handles click on button.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Checkbox }         from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        isChecked : false
     * Returns checkbox object with name and value.
     * @param {Object} checkbox 
    getValue = (checkbox) => 
        if (this.state.isChecked !== checkbox.value) {
                isChecked : checkbox.value
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Checkbox name="terms" label="Terms and conditions" checked={this.state.isChecked} 
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string true Checkbox label.
name string true Checkbox name.
checked bool true Makes checkbox checked or not.
disabled bool false false Disabled checkbox.
className string false '' Additional checkbox classes.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns checkbox value.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Email }            from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Returns email object with name and value.
     * @param {Object} email 
    getValue = (email) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Email label="Email" name="email" getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string false '' Email label.
name string true '' Email name.
className string false '' Additional email classes.
value bool false Predefined email value.
readOnly bool false false Makes email readonly.
disabled bool false false Makes email disabled.
placeholder string false Email Email placeholder.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns email object with name and value.
onKeyUp function false Handles onKeyUp event.
onBlur function false Handles onBlur event.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Password }         from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Returns password object with name and value.
     * @param {Object} password 
    getValue = (password) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Password label="Password" name="password" getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string false '' Password label.
name string true '' Password name.
value bool false Predefined password value.
readOnly bool false false Makes password readonly.
disabled bool false false Makes password disabled.
placeholder string false '' Password placeholder.
className string false '' Additional password classes.

Interaction Options`

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns password object with name and value.
onKeyUp function false Handles onKeyUp event.
onBlur function false Handles onBlur event.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         RadioGroup }       from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        defaultValue : 'male',
        labels       : {
            'male'   : 'Male',
            'female' : 'Female'
     * Returns event object.
     * @param {Object} event 
    getValue = (event) => 
        if (this.state.defaultValue !== {
                defaultValue :
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <RadioGroup name="sex" defaultValue={this.state.defaultValue} 
                            labels={this.state.labels} getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
name string true Radio group name.
defaultValue string true Selected option.
className string false Additional radio group classes.
disabled bool false Makes radio group disabled.
readOnly bool false Makes radio group readonly.
disabledValues string false Makes certain option disabled.
labels object true Radio group options.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns event object.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Search }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Returns search object with name and value.
     * @param {Object} search 
    getValue = (search) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Search name="search" getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string false '' Search label.
name string true ''text' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)' Search name.
value string false Search value.
disabled bool false false Makes Search disabled.
className string false '' Additional Search classes.
readOnly bool false false Makes Search readonly.
placeholder string false 'Enter text here' Search placeholder.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns seacrh object.
onKeyUp function false Handles onKeyUp event.
onBlur function false Handles onBlur event.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Select }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        selectData : {
            'sr' : 'Serbia',
            'gr' : 'Greece',
            'it' : 'Italy'
     * Returns select object with uid and value.
     * @param {Object} select 
    getValue = (select) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Select name="search" data={this.state.selectData} getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
name string true ''select' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)' Select name.
data object true Select data.
uid string false Select uid.
initialValue string false Initialy selected option.
value string false Selected option.
disabled bool false false Makes select disabled.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns select object.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Switch }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        isChecked : false
     * Returns switch value.
     * @param {Boolean} isChecked 
    getValue = (isChecked) => 
        if (isChecked !== this.state.isChecked) {
                isChecked : isChecked
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Switch name="isActive" label="Is active?" checked={this.state.isChecked} 
                        getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
name string true Switch name.
label string true Switch label.
checked bool true Checks/Unchecks switch.
className string false '' Additional switch classes.
disabled bool false false Makes switch disabled.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns switch value.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Text }             from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Returns text object with name and value.
     * @param {Object} text 
    getValue = (text) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Text label="Company" name="company" getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string false Text label.
name string true Text name.
className string false '' Additional text classes.
value bool false Predefined text value.
readOnly bool false false Makes text readonly.
disabled bool false false Makes text disabled.
placeholder string false '' Text placeholder.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns text object with name and value.
onKeyUp function false Handles onKeyUp event.
onBlur function false Handles onBlur event.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         Textarea }         from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * Returns event.
     * @param {Object} event 
    getValue = (event) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <Textarea label="Biography" name="bio" getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
label string false '' Textarea label.
name string true 'textarea' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) Textarea name.
readOnly bool false false Makes textarea readonly.
disabled bool false false Makes textarea disabled.
placeholder string false '' Textarea placeholder.
className string false '' Additional textarea classes.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
onChangeHandler function false Returns event object.

Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form,
         ToggleSwitch }     from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        labels : {
            '1' : 'superadmin',
            '2' : 'admin',
            '3' : 'contributor',
     * Returns toggle switch event.
     * @param {Object} event 
    getValue = (event) => 
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
                <ToggleSwitch name="role" labels={this.state.labels} getValue={this.getValue} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
name string true SwitchToggle name.
disabledValues string false Makes certain option of switchToggle disabled.
readonly bool false Makes switchToggle readonly.
defaultValue string false ToggleSwitch default value.
disabled bool false false Makes switchToggle disabled.
className string false '' Additional switchToggle classes.
labels object true SwitchToggle options.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
getValue function true Returns switchToggle value.


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { List }             from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        listColumns : {
            'Id'    : {'subtitle':null},
            'Name'  : {'subtitle':null},
            'Date'  : {'subtitle':null},
        listData : [
            [1,'Show 1','10-10-2020 10:00'],
            [2,'Show 2','12-12-2022 12:00']
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <List columns={this.state.listColumns} data={this.state.listData} />
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
columns object true Name of list columns with optional title property.
data array false List cells data.


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Dialog }           from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        showDialog: true
     * Handles dialog confirmation.
    confirmDialog = () =>
     * Closes dialog.
    closeDialog = () =>
            showDialog: false
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Dialog title="Theme Dialog" show={this.state.showDialog} 
                          action={this.confirmDialog} closeDialog={this.closeDialog}>
                Starticket Theme Dialog
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
title string false Title shown at dialog header.
additionalTitle string false Subtitle shown beside title at dialog header.
show bool true Shows (pop ups) dialog.
mainButton string false Create Confirmation button name.
mainButtonDisabled bool false Disables confirmation button.
cancellationButton string false Cancel Cancelation button name.
hideCancellationButton bool false false Hides cancelation button.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
action function true Handles dialog confirmation.
closeDialog function true Handles dialog cancelation.


Usage example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { DialogError }      from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
    state = {
        showDialogError: true
     * Closes dialog.
    closeDialog = () =>
            showDialogError: false
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <DialogError show={this.state.showDialogError} closeDialog={this.closeDialog}>
                Unfortunatelly an error occurred!
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
show bool true Shows (pop ups) error dialog.

Interaction Options

Option Type Required Description
closeDialog function true Handles error dialog cancelation.


Usage example

import React, { Component }  from 'react';
import { Alert, 
         AlertTypeSuccess }  from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <Alert type={AlertTypeSuccess}>
                {/*Alert content*/}
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
type AlertTypeSuccess, AlertTypeError, AlertTypeInfo true Type of alert.


Usage example

import React, { Component }  from 'react';
import { SceneTitle }        from 'starticket-react-admin-theme';
 * @class src/scenes/Home/Home
class Home extends Component
     * @returns {XML} 
        return (
            <SceneTitle text="Home Scene"/>
export default Home;


Option Type Required Defaults Description
text string false '' Scene title text.




We use SemVer for versioning. Current version is v1.0.0-beta


Built With

  • React JS - The JavaScript Library Used

Package Sidebar


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369 kB

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  • ana_simonovic
  • marjan.sirovljevic
  • milivoje.vujadinovic
  • nikola.radovic
  • stevan.tosic