Generate your next-gen software stack for your world-changing startup!
Each generated software stack will not only attract 100x programmers, but also roll off the tongue (so you can use it in a rap jingle)!
var giveMeSoftware = ;var myNewSoftwareStack = ;// { name: 'BARF',// stack: [ 'Backbone', 'Algol', 'Redis', 'Flat Files' ] }
NEW! Pick your own stack name!
var giveMeSoftware = ;var myNewSoftwareStack = ;// { name: 'BEST',// stack: [ 'Backbone', 'Express', 'SmartDB', 'Typescript' ] }
You can even use it as a command line tool!
$ npm install -g stackflow$ stackflowYAWN: YUI, Apache, Windows, Node.JS
Or, with your own name!
$ stackflow moneyMONEY: MemCached, Oracle, Node.JS, Express, YUI