- Split-pane-v3 is a split panel component based on VUE3+TS, this component functions similar to 'vscode' panel splitting, commonly found in online code editors! According to turn,this can be understood as the Vue3 version of the project.
Get Start
npm install split-pane-v3 --save
npm i split-pane-v3 -S
<split-pane :min-percent="0" :default-percent="20" split="vertical">
<template v-slot:paneL> vertical-A </template>
<template v-slot:paneR>
<split-pane split="horizontal" :default-percent="75">
<template v-slot:paneL> horizontal-B </template>
<template v-slot:paneR>
<split-pane split="vertical" :default-percent="75">
<template v-slot:paneL> vertical-C </template>
<template v-slot:paneR> vertical-D </template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
const SplitPane = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("split-pane-v3"));
IDX | Name | Type | default | explain |
1 | minPercent | Number | 10 | Minimum value of the current panel (%) |
2 | defaultPercent | Number | 50 | Default display value of the current panel (%) |
3 | split | String | - | The display mode of the current panel can be upper or lower or left or right |
4 | class-name | String | - | The class name of the split gesture for the current panel |
IDX | Name | explain |
1 | paneL | First slot inside split panel (left or top) |
2 | paneR | First slot inside split panel (right or bottom) |