Use your javascript powers to control the Sphero by Orbotix
Quick Start
npm install spheron
Connect your Sphero to your computer via bluetooth.
Add spheron
to your code:
var spheron = require('spheron');
var sphero = spheron.sphero();
var spheroPort = '/dev/cu.Sphero-RGB';
var COLORS = spheron.toolbelt.COLORS;
sphero.on('open', function() {
sphero.setRGB(COLORS.BLUE, false);
Run that and your sphero will turn blue. You can pass hex colours such as sphero.setRGB(0xFF00FF)
There are some named colours in toolbelt.COLORS
Communications over bluetooth are done through node-serialport so please check there for what you need to make it work.
There are a few examples in the examples
provides a simple REPL shell to get you started and try things outvege.js
uses the raw.write()
method to send packets to the Spheropolice.js
takes advantage of the chained APIpolice-macro.js
uses macros to create a police light effect- See
being used in spheron-leap controlling Sphero using Leap Motion
Development Direction
I plan on creating several execution strategies so that commands can be chained, waited upon and evented in such a way
that it can be run interactively or converted into a macro
or (possibly?) orbBasic
program and saved directly to
the Sphero.
Something like: sphero.startMacro().setRGB(0x00FF00).strobeLED({period:60}).wait(1000).sleep().saveMacro()
I'm also planning on implementing the API as completely as possible (as time permits). Orbotix have done a great job in documenting the Sphero API!
The spheron
methods are chainable and certain methods are either query or command based on the number of arguments (much like jQuery).
Called with no arguments this method will return the current state.
When this has been set to true
then sphero will reset the internal command timeout after each command. This prevents sphero shutting down while in use. When this is false
sphero will continue it's internal timeout count even when packets are sent.
Called with no arguments this method will return the current state.
When this has been set to true
then sphero will emit a message in response to the command. When this is false
sphero will not emit a message. Be mindfull that if this is false and you send a command asking for information (eg, current battery state) then you will not receive a response.
More Commands
I've tried to implement most of the API commands, and will endevour to have more complete documentation done over the Christmas 2013 period. Please feel free to ask me any questions in the meantime.
The sphero
object returned by the spheron()
methid is an EventEmitter
and supports the following events:
sphero.on('error', callback)
Emitted when an error occurs. This is usaually connection oriented. The callback
function simply takes a single error argument:
sphero.on('error', function(error) {
console.log('Opps, something went wrong!');
sphero.on('open', callback)
This event is triggered once the connection to your sphero has been established. At this point it is now safe to send commands to your sphero.
sphero.on('open', function() {
console.log('Hurah! We're connected!');
sphero.on('close', callback)
When the connection to your sphero has been closed, this event will let you know.
sphero.on('close', function() {
sphero.on('end', callback)
When the connection to your sphero has ended, this event will let you know.
sphero.on('end', function() {
console.log('Connection has ended');
sphero.on('oob', callback)
Any data that sphero sends that is not a recognised packet (i.e., Out Of Band)can be read from this event. Be mindful that the argument to the callback
is a Buffer
that has not been composed in any way. This means anything the sphero is sending out of band might be broken into several events.
sphero.on('oob', function(aBuffer) {
console.log('OOB! ', aBuffer);
sphero.on('message', callback)
A message is an acknowledgement from sphero in response to a command. The callback
take as the only argument an object that represents the message.
sphero.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('Sphero sent this message: ', message);
sphero.on('notification', callback)
A notification is sent from sphero to advise of a condition such as low battery or a detected change in the locator module. The callback
take as the only argument an object that represents the notification.
sphero.on('notification', function(notification) {
console.log('Sphero would like to let you know: ', notification);
sphero.on('packet', callback)
This event is a convenienve that is emitted on either a message or notification event. The callback
takes a single argument that is either a notification or a message.
sphero.on('packet', function(packet) {
console.log('Sphero sent this packet: ', packet);
switch (packet.SOP2) {
case 0xFF :
console.log('This is an acknowledgement');
case 0xFE :
console.log('This is a notification');
Event Packets
The message and notification packets have the following structure:
Message Packet
SOP1 (this is always 0xFF),
SOP2 (this is always 0xFF for messages)
MRSP (Message Response, please see the API guide for details, I'll try and summarise it here at a later date)
SEQ (The sequence number passed into the calling request)
DLEN (The length of the data, including the trailing checksum)
DATA (This is a Buffer with the raw data. Future versions of spheron will abstract this)
CHK (The checksum of the packet)
Notification Packet
SOP1 (this is always 0xFF),
SOP2 (this is always 0xFE for notifications)
ID_CODE (identifies what type of notification is being sent. Future versions of spheron will abstract this)
DLEN (The length of the data, including the trailing checksum)
DATA (This is a Buffer with the raw data. Future versions of spheron will abstract this)
CHK (The checksum of the packet)
For more details on the message and notification packets please see the Sphero API Giude.
The basic macro code has been built but requires further testing and documentation. Please feel free to try it out or ask questions.
Obviously, this needs more documentation.
The most immediate things to be done include:
- Documentation!
- Create
a macro buildermacro builder documentation (until then, please see examples/police-macro.js and code for usage details) - Smarter objects passed into event listeners to make usage easier
- Implement callbacks (or just stick with an event model?)
- This has been written against the Orbotix Communications API 1.46, need to check against version 1.50 and on Sphero 2.0.
Thanks to:
- Chris Williams for making node-serialport
- Orbotix for creating and documenting the Sphero API
Legal Notices
This work is not endorsed by Orbotix.
Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Simplified BSD License