JavaScript code quality front end:
- unit testing using
- with code coverage using
- js complexity using
- AMD/node requirements using (coming)
- jshint style (coming)
- Dojo loader support (in progress)
npm install -g solid-code
solid foo.js
- Looks for foo.js | fooTest.js in subfolders
- Runs GT unit tests, outputs results and code coverage
- Computes code complexity
- (in progress) Computes dependency weights
You can specify multiple source files, they are tested sequentially.
solid foo.js bar.js
solid examples\*.js -- loads all js files in folder examples
solid examples\**\*.js -- loads all js files in all subfolders in examples
Few command line switches
- --watch or -w to watch source files and rerun analysis automatically on change.
- --help or -h shows command line options and exits.
The tool tries to be as silent as possible if the code is solid. Otherwise it will print detailed description of the failure: failed unit test results, insufficient code coverage, code is too complex.