Social login api for Angular 5. Includes Facebook and Google login.
AOT Compatible.
Getting started
Install via npm
npm install --save angular5-social-login
Import the module
In app.module.ts
... ; // Configs { let config = id: FacebookLoginProviderPROVIDER_ID provider: "Your-Facebook-app-id" id: GoogleLoginProviderPROVIDER_ID provider: "Your-Google-Client-Id" ; ; return config;} @
Usage :
In signin.component.ts
;; @ implements OnInit {} public { let socialPlatformProvider; ifsocialPlatform == "facebook" socialPlatformProvider = FacebookLoginProviderPROVIDER_ID; else ifsocialPlatform == "google" socialPlatformProvider = GoogleLoginProviderPROVIDER_ID; thissocialAuthService; }
In signin.component.html
Sign in Sign in with FacebookSignin in with Google
Facebook App Id :
You need to create your own app by going to Facebook Developers page.
Add Facebook login
under products and configure Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Google Client Id :
Follow this official documentation on how to Create a Google API Console project and client ID.