How would you smoosh a lion and a tiger? A tialiganer, right?
SMOOSH is a tool for packaging your CSS & JavaScript projects. It will lint your JavaScript with JSHint, then build and minify your files (if you'd like) with UglifyJS for JavaScript, and Sqwish for CSS.
Smoosh is available as an npm package. To install, run the following command:
$ npm install smoosh
Currently, smoosh requires a config.json file to work. Your config file should look something like this (check the examples folder for a working example):
"VERSION": "0.1", // optional
"JSHINT_OPTS": { ... }
"DIST_DIR": "dist", // optional
"base": [ ... ],
"secondary": [ ... ]
"CSS": {
"core": [ ... ]
Your config options include:
- VERSION: an optional version number which will be appended to your built files
- key: the name of your compiled file (ie: 'mootools-core', 'base-bundle', etc.)
- value: an array of file paths to be bundled (ie.
['./src/drag.js', './src/drop.js']
- DIST_DIR: the directory to output your files to (if no directory is specified, 'dist' will be used)
- JSHINT_OPTS: the options to use if running jshint
once installed with npm, smoosh can be accessed easily from the command line! Just create your config file (shown above), then run commands. Here's a list of some of them:
//any of these commands will execute all smoosh tasks with config.json
$ smoosh ./config.json
$ smoosh make ./config.json
$ smoosh -m ./config.json
//executing either of these commands will destroy the dist folder
$ smoosh clean ./config.json
$ smoosh -d ./config.json
//these will generate ugliyjs minified versions of your packaged source
$ smoosh compressed ./config.json
$ smoosh -c ./config.json
//these will generate full, uncompressed version of your packaged source
$ smoosh uncompressed
$ smoosh -f ./config.json
//executing either of these commands will build both compressed and uncompressed versions of your source
$ smoosh build ./config.json
$ smoosh -b ./config.json
//these will run jshint against your uncompressed source
$ smoosh run ./config.json
$ smoosh -r ./config.json
//the -a flag will run analyze.. you must include a build type for analyze to work
$ smoosh -ca ./config
$ smoosh -ba ./config
$ smoosh -fa ./config
//as you might have guessed, you can specify multiple flags at the same time
$ smoosh -dba ./config //<-- this will clean the dist folder, build new files, and then analyze them
once installed, smoosh is pretty easy to use...
var smoosh = ;
Once required there are several methods available to you:
As stated above, smoosh requires that you pass it the path to your configuration json file. To do that, you would do:
The clean method will remove your distribution directory. Warning This will empty your entire DIST directory. So this may be unwanted behavior if your DIST directory is "./". It is preferred that this is only used when you have a dedicated dist folder. Eg: "./src/build" or "./dist"
Run takes one argument; a string which specifies what to run. Currently run only works with jslint, therefore you can do either:
In the future we may add more useful things here.
Build is used to build your sources together. You can build uncompressed or compressed files or both! You can use it like this:
smoosh;//orsmoosh;//orsmoosh // <-- this will build both compressed and uncompressed
Analyze is useful when you're curious if you're making your files larger or smaller. It will return relevant file size for uncompressed, compressed, or gzipped files.
smoosh;//orsmoosh;//orsmoosh; //it gzips the compressed files only//orsmoosh; //which will do analyze all types
Done is used to execute a callback at a certain point in the smoosh command chain. Typically, it is used at the end of the chain when smoosh has completed, but it can also be added between steps.
Make can currently be used as a shortcut to run all smoosh methods... It requires one argument, the path to the config file.json.
smoosh;//is the same assmoosh;
Happy Smooshing!